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NL still not recieved!!! (USAFIS)


Registered Users (C)
My application was sent to USCIS through USAFIS.

I recieved an e-mail notification form USAFIS (they scanned my NL and atteched it) that I am a winner 2008EU00017xxx. I'm getting worried, coz I did not recieve printed NL yet.

Is there anyone with the same issue?

Can anyone please help me solving this problem?

Thanks You
My application was sent to USCIS through USAFIS.

I recieved an e-mail notification form USAFIS (they scanned my NL and atteched it) that I am a winner 2008EU00017xxx. I'm getting worried, coz I did not recieve printed NL yet.

Is there anyone with the same issue?

Can anyone please help me solving this problem?

Thanks You

1. If you have the entire NL scanned you could, for now:

2. Call KCC and ask them to send you the FORMS again, DS122 and DS230this way you can start the process. They won't be able to send you another "NL" but they will be able to send the forms and instructions if needed.

3. Continue to contact USFIS demanding YOUR documents.

4. These agencies are there to make money, so they probably will ask you to pay before sending your NL.

Call KCC asap.

Good luck
Thanks for both of you.

I called KCC today and they advised me to download the form fill them out and send them, no need to wait for NL.

Thanks You
Was in same position

Hi hadav

we were in same position, ie my husband and myself. We applied for the lottery through Usafis and received email since April 7th saying that my husband had won. We got a scanned version of our NL like you which was dated early March. We confirmed our postal address with Usafis via email and then started waiting for the NL to come.

We started getting very worried like you as we are aware that time is of the essence in these applications. Since the pacakge was not forthcoming we called KCC to confirm that we had won and then downloaded the forms via the internet. You can see a scanned version of an entire winning package for dv2008 at this location http- - dv2008.narod.ru-dv2008.pdf. So you can read the instructions for filling out the forms.

We sent out our forms to KCC before finally receiving the package from Usafis only last week Friday although they had received it from KCC since early March. Note that the package came post marked from Israel although on their website Usafis claims to have offices in New York. When we saw that our package was not arriving and they had not responded to our emails and they have no telephone contact number listed on their website, my husband who is studying in New York actually went to the address that they have listed on their website and found no such office at that location.

So it seems that Usafis is physically based somewhere in Tel Aviv, that is what I have conluded from this whole scenario and they are not in any way concerned about getting the NL's to the winners in a timely fashion.

Good luck to you.................but please try to dowload your forms via the internet and send them in as soon as possible.if you need any assistance feel free to ask.

Super Nova
Thank you very much for your help, I downloaded the forms and filled them out. Though KCC told me I don't have to rush sending it back, I will do it tomorrow.

The story that you just wrote down about USAFIS could seem to be weird to someone who has not done business with them before ( I suggest everyone not to), but I believe it is absolutely true. It just makes me feel angry, that they are not doing what they are supposed to. This is service and you pay for it but they seem to act like they are doing favours. And a comapany with no phone number?! :eek: I just I am really angry with them.

anyway, thanks for your advises

Hi Super Nova,

Yeah, I was in the same shoes. I currently live in NYC, so since USAFIS didn't send me the NL for 4 weeks after the notification email and didn't reply to any of my emails and calls, I checked out their address and found out that under that address there's only an empty store with a big "FOR SALE" sticker on it. You can imagine my face when I saw this.. I found out that there were UPS mail boxes, but it had moved some blocks away. I received my NL the same way: by the time I already filled out the forms online (which I've found out by reading this forum. Thank you guys for the info!), they've sent me the stuff from Tel-Aviv.

My number is EU000025xx, and I sent back the forms to KCC in the first week on June. Do you think it is still in time?

Conclusion: I don't recommend USAFIS to anyone, because they don't provide informations (like 'don't wait for the NL to be sent, download the forms and send it to KCC asap'), no contact informations, no costumer support.

Anyway, this forum is great! I wish I had found it earlier.

Good luck to all of us,

Alternative registration

After i read too many bad issues on USAFIS that do not do their job, I have registered with another organization to the Green Card lottery. I registered with USAGC (www.USAGC.ORG) last year for myself and two more friends.
We recieved a professional service and even one of my friends got the winning notification from them and the help of proceeding forward.

After i read this bab forum on USAFIS, I had to write that USAGC organization is completely different organization and has rendered a professional service.
I can recommend USAGC for everyone who thinks about registering and recieving a professional service. They helped us with uploading the photos and few small other issues.

Good luck.
Hi everyone!

My boyfriend and I entered DV2008 through USAFIS. We received a horrible service, but eventually everything seemed fine (after we told them that unless we get proper service we were gonna ask for our money back).

We researched how the DV works and found out that countries with low applicants usually have a 1:1 ratio of winning, and we also found out that Malta, which is where we are from, is such a country. But so far we still haven't received anything, and I'm starting to doubt whether they actually submitted our forms.

We are in touch with 2 other friends who used their services and still didn't get anything, so we really don't know what to think at this point.

I'm just vowing my concerns here, but any advice would be appreciated as well!



I am Italian and I have applied for the USAFIS service in November 2006. Even in Italy, there is a chance to obtain a Green Card at almost 1:1. However, I have never received any confirmation of my eligibility and this company is instead trying to get money out of my pocket. I believe that this site www.usafis.org is a total scam. In addition, I am checking this website since a few days (today is June 10th, 2007) and I see that every page of the site is totally blank. They really made me believe that this company was reliable, instead THEY ARE NOT! They made me pay by credit card from Italy (Rimini, exactly) something like 150 US dollars, which I considered stolen from the first to the last cent. I am sure that many of the posts even on this site are just fake and they are made by the company in order to convince the people that this site is trustworthy. The big problem that I have now is whether they have sent my application to the government or not, since I have no proof of the transfer of the application to the US Lottery, neither I know what they are going to do in the next 3 years, since I have bought a service for 4 years! NO WAY! I have wasted one year with that company so far. I am going to post my application on my own from www.dvlottery.state.gov. Note that ".gov" sites are reliable in America! And the application has NO COST.
I am currently studying in Arlington, Texas, at the college, with a student visa, because I needed to, and thought that a green card would have made my life easier here (have a job for paying some little expenses etc.). I just did not get informed of all the scams around about the green card. Now that I'm hurt, I know how to work it. I am going to spend other 4-5 years in America. I am telling to all the Europeans (I love Europe, because of many reasons) from an Italian guy living in America since the beginning of 2007: America is just about how to steal money from other people in the smartest way. Do not trust anyone selling things by phone!

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Green Card with USAGC

Hi friends,

I read the last 2 comments on the forum and simply wanted to emphasize that I had only good experience with USAGC (www.USAGC.org). So i wanted to updated you all about that again. :)

Regarding the other organization (USAFIS), I can only agree with all the bad things that were written on this forum. I was realy disappointed with them. :(

Good luck to everyone.
