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New DV fees??


Registered Users (C)
Do you guys have any idea if these new fee increases announced by USCIS (effective July 30, 2007) will affect us. If so, will there be a any difference between who does CP and who does AOS? Thanksssss.
new fees

The increase is only for USCIS so they will affect you if you are doing AOS not if you do CP.
Fee Increase

Hi Nacho,
You are not correct. Fee increse will be effective for all. State department will collect fees for USCIS.
the fees will increase on July 30.

only USCIS fees went up. It does't affect CP for now, unless DOS decides to increase fees as well.
it does, but not all people want EAD or AP. I didn't want AP, for example, so I'd be paying for something I don't want or need.
don't think so

I don't think the 1010 include EAD and AP :(
At least that is not what the new fee schedule I found says.


it looks like I485=$1010 ; I765=$340 ; I131=$305 : total =$1655 !!:eek:

The worst part is that we will pay the outrageus fee and receive the cheap service because they expect the changes to start being noticed by the end of 2008.
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this is the info I found. I think it includes EAD and AP.

Adjustment applications and ancillary benefits – The new application fee for an I-485 is a package fee that includes
associated EAD and advance parole applications. Thus, if you file an I-485 with the fee listed above, while you will still need to
submit applications for an EAD and advance parole, you will not need to pay a separate fee so long as your adjustment application is
pending. However, if you filed your I-485 before this fee change, to apply for or renew your EAD or advance parole, you must file a
new application with the new fee for those applications.
The 1010 definetly includes EAD, AP and 485, info gained straight from USCIS and an immigration attorney. Guess if you don;t want it you have to have it regardless, which is unfortunate.

Only the DV processing fee (I think it's 375) will stay the same, the USCIS fee including (Processing and Biometrics) will be based on New Schedule.