Need Help in Traveling to Home


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I like to visit Banglasesh, I'm on H1B, valid till Dec. 2003 (renewable more 3 years) I've approved Advance Parole/EAD. Applied for I-140 in jan 2003 and I-485 in March 2003, they are pending yet. Is its gonna be any trouble in coming back to US once U R on Advance Parole or they treat you well these days.
Please help. Thanks
Return on your visa.

You should enter on your h1. On h1 its much simpler, they will scan your passport visa page and you will be set free like regular visa/greencard holders.

Keep the advance parole and EAD card with you but no need to use them/show them, unless asked. If you show EAD then they will have you go through a secondary-screening with Immigration officer when you enter USA. With advance parole you will have to hangout in a room with detainees/deportees (sometimes chained to the chair... which once freaked me out once when i entered at JFK, thank God i was not in chains :D ).

So keep it simple, if your visa is valid just show that. End Of Story. If not show EAD/Advance parole and pray for the best. Either way you should be able to enter, with H1 its just much easier.

in my humble opinion :eek:
And what IF I have an expired H1B and valid Advance Parole/EAD and pending I-140, I-485? Did they gonna let me in the US from JFK airport or not ? Or there will be a big trouble.
Another thing: if you didn't extend your H1B, is it OK to go outside the US and come back, its gonna be a big problem or not ?

You will be fine.

If visa expired but you have EAD/Advance parole then you will be let in without problems.

As long as you 485 is pending and you have valid EAD/Advance parole you dont need to extend your visa.
So,,,, if for some reason (God Forbid) I'm outside of US and coming back, and during my stay outside of US, my I-140 get rejected (God Forbid) for some reasons, can they stop me from coming back to US at the airport for that, Do they have up to date information about all these processes ? Please assist . I really thankful to you for your kind help. It is a dumb question (I know) but what do U think about this? And Is it so frequent that I-140 for IT professionals get rejected these days or its just a routine process and 99% people who have good established & financially secure company, won't get rejested. What is your opinion..... As a matter of fact there is not asingle case that get disapprved from our company. Thanks goodness.
You answered you question. For all these reasons use H1. If you do not have H1 and having doubt over your I-140 do not go out of country. That is risky. Get new H1 and go to your home country.