N400 Tickets\Arrests before GC


Registered Users (C)
Hey Gurus,
I just got approved for AOS and will be elegible for N400 in 3 years.
I have been in the states for 8 years in J1 and F1 visas
During this period of time I have been arrested and gotten several tickets. I don't have reciepts for most of this tickets.

I got arrested and fined for Underage Consumption of alchohol 5 years ago.($75-Suprvision)

No turn signal 5 years ago ($75-supervision, this is when I got pulled over and got arreste for underage drinking)
No seat belt 4 years ago($50-Supervision)
Speeding 3 years ago($75-Supervision)
Improper lane usage 2.5 years ago($75)
Speeding in a different state 1 week before AOS approval.($186-Don't speed in Wisconsin)

All these tickets and arrest were before I was an LPR. Am I in trouble :mad: ? What should I do?
How soon can I apply for N400. Some ppl say that you can apply after 2 years and 9 months. Is this true?I can get my underage drinking arrest expunged. Should I do that?
Thanks in advance
pls read the questions in n400 carefully.

they ask

have you EVER ... blah blah blah...so it regardless of WHEN the arrest and ticket happened.

if the arrests and tickets were some serious things, of course you would get in trouble.

about when you can file your n400, why dont you read the n400 guideline as it mentions the requirement in VERY DETAILS.
AOS_GUY said:
Hey Gurus,
I just got approved for AOS and will be elegible for N400 in 3 years.
I have been in the states for 8 years in J1 and F1 visas
During this period of time I have been arrested and gotten several tickets. I don't have reciepts for most of this tickets.

I got arrested and fined for Underage Consumption of alchohol 5 years ago.($75-Suprvision)

No turn signal 5 years ago ($75-supervision, this is when I got pulled over and got arreste for underage drinking)
No seat belt 4 years ago($50-Supervision)
Speeding 3 years ago($75-Supervision)
Improper lane usage 2.5 years ago($75)
Speeding in a different state 1 week before AOS approval.($186-Don't speed in Wisconsin)

All these tickets and arrest were before I was an LPR. Am I in trouble :mad: ? What should I do?
How soon can I apply for N400. Some ppl say that you can apply after 2 years and 9 months. Is this true?I can get my underage drinking arrest expunged. Should I do that?
Thanks in advance

Assuming you have your GC stamped in your PP, your time for applying
for N-400 starts ticking..Now referring to your F-1 and J-1, I am not sure whether a 3 or 5 yr waiting cycle applies in your case (I am not J-1 expert and so this doubt..)

regardless of when you qualify either 3/5 yr, typically one can apply 90 days
before their 3/5 yr deadline from the day your got the GC stamped in your PP.
I would rather apply only 80-85 days before the above deadline just to be on the very safe side. You don't stand to lose anything at all even if you use the above 80-85 day guideline..

In terms of the arrest and citation, you will need to state where and when you were arrested and cited and it would be in your best possible interest to have proof for the same. Will let others on this forum, who know more about what to do if one is arrested, comment on that aspects while applying for N-400

BTW, you never know what changes in 3/5 year period and so I wouldn't be too worried except for definitely not getting involved in any more future arrests :::)

Good luck...You will need it..
Thanks for the advice. Hopefully not too many things change in 3 years. Anyone knows and good naturalization lawyer in the Chicago area?
One more question...What happens if they deny your case...Do you get deported...or can you just reapply?
the regular traffic tickets are a non-issue. You can ask the courts to send you proof if you don't have a receipt but you most likely won't even be asked to show anything as per the new instructions on the n-400 for traffic tickets under $500.

As for the underage drinking I would definitely talk to a lawyer. It's not a bar to naturalization by itself. However, any arrest/criminal conviction triggers questioning by USCIS. Also the fact that it's related to alcohol may make the USCIS officer question you whether you have a drinking problem (habitual drunkard).

I know that this single incident doesn't mean that you have a drinking problem but you want to come prepared to show that you don't. An experienced lawyer can help you with that. this way if it comes up you can immediately show the officer that you don't have such a problem.
gcardo said:
the regular traffic tickets are a non-issue. You can ask the courts to send you proof if you don't have a receipt but you most likely won't even be asked to show anything as per the new instructions on the n-400 for traffic tickets under $500.

As for the underage drinking I would definitely talk to a lawyer. It's not a bar to naturalization by itself. However, any arrest/criminal conviction triggers questioning by USCIS. Also the fact that it's related to alcohol may make the USCIS officer question you whether you have a drinking problem (habitual drunkard).

I know that this single incident doesn't mean that you have a drinking problem but you want to come prepared to show that you don't. An experienced lawyer can help you with that. this way if it comes up you can immediately show the officer that you don't have such a problem.

I would have 8 years since I got arrested\fined for underage drinking when my interview comes up. Do you think they will really label you as a habitual drunk for such a minor offense. I will get a lawyer...better safe than sorry.
it's hard to say.
During my interview I was asked all the questions on the n-400 form including whether I have a problem with drinking and why so many speeding tickets. I didn't have any arrests DUI etc... but I heard that with DUIs this habitual drunkard comes up.
It is very possible (not sure how possible) that an overzealous USCIS officer would try to dig further into the drinking problem when they see DUIs or under age drinking. How do you respond to them in case they start digging into it -- I have no idea.
The fact that it's been 8 years and you had no problems since then, the fact that's it's only one incident, also the type of work you do, any charity work or anything else to show that you're a good member of the community might help.
This is maybe where the lawyer comes in. and if not a lawyer than you need to research DUI/underage drinking cases and their effect on naturalization. This is again to be prepared. If not you can take your chances and go to the interview. you will most likely be OK with some possible delays.

At the end of the day I don't think they can deny your application just b/c of this incident but some delays or the need to appeal a wrong decision is a possibility.
like you said better be safe than sorry.
N-400 (underage citation)


Can you tell me what happened with your application/interview? I also had an underage citation 9 years ago and wanted to know how things turned out.

How do you answer the ? ever committed a crime that you were NOT arrested for?

The OP is not yet eligible and was talking about his future application. I think there have been some cases on this forum but not sure what was the outcome. It puts things into perspective when our prez himself has a dui though!