N400 is pending and want to file i130 for spouse help needed


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Hello I have few question regarding my citizenship and Petition for i130 for spouse .
I applied for citizenship and I did finger print 2 months ago and haven't received any further notification from uscis about interview now my question is this I got letter from IRS about my old taxes of 2014 I am working on it and I hope I can resolve the issue with Irs so my question is if uscis knows I have pending taxes will they delay or reject my application even though I got letter from IRs later after I applied for citizen ship.

Another question if I apply for my wife will they proceed my application while my taxes and citizenship if pending I have no criminal back ground or etc

All I have to make arrangement payment to irs
What you guys recommend me to wait for citizen ship and then I apply for my wife ?
Any help will be appreciated