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My wife got clearence, no me?


Registered Users (C)

My wife (main applicant) and I had our CP in London in April. She has got her security clearnce last week but mine is still pending.

I wonder what we need to do or can do? Can she get her visa now or she must wait for my clearnce too?

I appreciate your help.

How did the embassy contact you? By e-mail or phone? Or did you contact them?

I would think that she could get her visa in theory given that she's the primary applicant. You probably will have to wait until you get your clearance.


My wife (main applicant) and I had our CP in London in April. She has got her security clearnce last week but mine is still pending.

I wonder what we need to do or can do? Can she get her visa now or she must wait for my clearnce too?

I appreciate your help.

you have to wait!

unfortunately there is no way to accelerate the process. You have to wait. I hope you recieve your clearance very soon.

hoşca kalın!

good luck