Montreal Interview Tracker -- Part DeuX [Ara2000, AttaBoy, CDN_CPER, Dongky, Enduring, GC Indian, Ja

E-mail and phone for MTL consulate

The phone number for the Montreal consulate is 514-398-9695, ext. 3833. This number is specific for IV cases and is manned from 2 to 4:30 pm every day. You'll probably be on hold for at least 15 minutes.

The E-mail address for the IV unit is montreal-iv/ It takes about a day to get a response.

I have used both and got the information I needed at the time.

Good luck,

employment letter


I sent a copy of my employment letter with the package 3 and now they ask for the original in the package 4.

My question is do I need an update since the copy I sent in the package 3 will be almost 6 months old at the time of the interview?

Also in the package 4 the ask for 3 photos for the panel physician and 2 photos for the interview.

Does anyone ever been asked for 3 photos by the doctor office?

Thank you.

MDS Executive in Montreal required 3 photos. They attach one to the medical report, one onto the request for X-rays (which is by another organization on another floor), and keep one for their records. Most other doctors require only one. When you make your appointment they will tell you what to bring. Brian.

The doctor I went to asked for 2 photos,passport style, not immigration style. They told us what photos to bring when we called to make the appointment. The information in Packet 4 was not correct regarding the photos for the physician.

The doctor also asked me for passport style photos. I decided to be a rebel and gave them immigration style. They didn't say a word. I look back now 2 months later and realize how ridiculous the whole process is :). Brian.
Re: employment letter

You definitely need an updated employment letter. When the lady was going over my papers she was sort of talking to herself and perhaps to me also. When she came across the employment letter in the files she said "this is old, do you have a new one?" And I gave her more recent one that I had.
How many photographs do we need?

We are waiting to receive our P4 and the interview is on Aug 1, hence we are trying to get things ready.
Can CPers please reply and let us know how many photographs do we need, ie for medical, for Consulate and for POE?
Thank u in advance.

p.s.: This bulletin board and all the successful CPers are really very helpful and I thank them.

this is pkv2 : my username is again back to my old username : akola, please note

Hello Mtl-CPers,
This is akola/pkv2
INT-MTL : August 19th, 8.30 AM
i was not able to login with my newER username, pkv2...and it has reverted back to my oldname, akola.

i tried logging in for the past two days but was unable to do so.

my interview date is also set for August 19th at 8.30 AM.

planning to do medicals in Toronto, and then go by via rail to Mtl. on the 18th. i have to check previous posts to find out how long it takes for medicals in Toronto.
glad to be back again,
Medical is same day service in Toronto

we are going to do it with Dr. Seiden's office in Totonto, Tel # 416-362-5603. U can try them.

Thanks nms, one more question

Hello nms,
one more question for you...i was going to look it up in the older posts but i think we can't view all posts in one page.

does Dr. Sieden's office give the medical results back on the same day?

Advice For POE

Is it better to do POE at Port Chaplain, how far is it from Montreal?

Another option is to go to Niagra Falls and do it there?

How long does it take?

Please Advice.


I did my POE at Champlain. It's about 45 minutes from Montreal. Really no issues at all. The INS guy joked around a lot and gave my son a "souvenier" fingerprint. It took about a half hour to process 3 of us. Brian.
Having hard time locating Champlain in MapQuest

leroythelion, Pleaes, Can u post some general directions or wherebaouts?

Thank u.
Time for processing at Airport..Dorval vs. Toronto vs. at border post

Hello Mtl-CPers,
my old login is back...i like this title better:)))

My medicals is set for August 14th at Dr. Sieden's in Toronto while we will visit family at the same time.
We will take Viarail to go from Toronto to Montreal on August 18th. (compliments to ViaRail for their wonderful ; i like this better than Not a bad deal when you can sit and relax! should be a fun trip for my 2 year-old daughter.

we are seriously trying to decide which airport to use (Dorval vs. Toronto) to come back to the United States if everything goes well at the interview. The airline does not charge extra if
you go to one airport but come back to the US from another airport. This was news to us!

Can someone post how long it takes for processing at
1) Dorval vs. soon before the flight do we have to go in for processing?

2) if you go back to Canada after processing at the US border post, what is the actual procedure.
obviously you enter the US building...after processing, do we have to go around and enter through the Canadian side and go through US customs and long does that take at Champain (spelling?)...entering US immigration, processing, going back through Canadian customs and immigration.

best regards,
Directions to Champlain

From downtown Montreal , find the way to the Champlain bridge (name is a coincidence) leaving the island. At the end of the bridge, you will see an exit for Highway 15 South. It will also say New York/I87. Take 15 South all the way to the border. Easy enough. Brian.
THANKS leroythelion

I got the directions and could locate the place following your directions.
Thanks for helping, all the times.
Did you receive your P4, days from mailing?

Nagib, Brian and others (in the US)
Did you receive your packet 4? NVC told me that they had mailed mine on July 5th, but it is still not here.
July 5th was a friday, and i wonder if they actually mailed it on the monday, 8th July.

it should not take more than 3-4 days for mail within the US...??

Brian, how long did the P4 take to reach you once they said they mailed it.

I'm not sure because I never specifically asked them when they had mailed it. Plus, it sat in my attorney's office for a couple of day before they thought enough to forward it to me. I would say a total of ten days.

You should probably note that the day they "mailed" it is probably not the day it was actually dropped in the USPS mail box. For example, I just "mailed" a letter to someone. I dropped it in the local mailbox in my building. It will get picked up this afternoon and brought to the central mail room. However, since today is Friday, it may not get picked up until Monday. On Monday, it will be stamped and may not make the morning USPS pickup, which means it actually won't get "mailed" until Tuesday. See where I am coming from? Relax. Like a big credit card bill, it will come.

Thanks Brian

Brian,, i am not really really tense...only curious...and trying to be pro-active.
thanks again,