Message To Labordrags (moderator) - Report Spam

Thank you

Yes, I am aware of such post, and to tell you the fact, I deleted few posts already. I sent email to administrator of the forum to take extra steps in banning the user or taking the previlage out.
MDwatch said:
Labordrags could you also ban this moron ? Same type of spam ....

I personally can't ban the user, as we have limited authority. I asked Monica to ban the user in the past, and she issued a warning to it. Later she said, if the user continues such act, she will ban the user. I will put another request to her about this possible warning or final ban.

MDwatch and all others: I appreciate your effort in tracking such individual who has nothing to do in this world other than coming in our community and making such posts.

My request to you all, if anyone notices such post, please ignore the response, as it encourages these people to post their SPAM in other threads as well.

Thank you again for all the efforts in tracking them down.