Married name on advance parole (i-512); maiden name on passport and air tickets. Traveling to China

Hello. Does anyone have first hand experience traveling to China on an advance parole that does not match your passport? We have no concern about getting TO China. But we are scared that the Chinese government will not accept the advance parole as proof of legal status in the US and will not let us LEAVE. We of course intend to take certified copies of our marriage license and some other documents. The back of the advance parole also says my wife's full name (given maiden married), but it's not labeled as "name".

I can find nothing online that speaks directly to this, other than a guy that posted a similar question on a bunch of sites and never came back to update us on what ended up happening!

Of note, we went to the Chinese consulate in Chicago to get a page added to her passport with the married name and they would not accept the advance parole as proof--the guy said they only accept a green card.

The trip is coming up soon and we're quite worried. I know the Chinese "should" let us be on our way, but we need to be 100% certain that they WILL.

Thank you