LUD update


Registered Users (C)
Does the LUD for I485 cases pending at TSC get updated? We got the FP done on OCtober 7, 2004 and the LUD has not been updated yet.
In my understanding online system is unpredictable and unreliable , ppl shared that they got FP notice even they got approval but online msg either saying "received 850-900 days" or never updated whatever the last was.

so keep track ur fp calling the F.B.I they would let u know that they sent FP result to TSC.

Good LUck
It really is hard to say. I've seen cases approved without ever changing the online status. Like Prince of jungle says, I would check with FBI to see if they have sent the FP to CIS, but other than that, most probably you would have to wait. Good luck, I hope you get good news soon!