Looks like no one here can give me sample employer letters for H1B stamping.....


Registered Users (C)
Gurus, can any one give me sample employer letters addressed to U.S. consulate for H1B visa stamping? :( :( :(

Thanks for your time and understanding.

Innocent4Ever :( :( :(
Innocent4Ever said:
Gurus, can any one give me sample employer letters addressed to U.S. consulate for H1B visa stamping? :( :( :(

Thanks for your time and understanding.

Innocent4Ever :( :( :(

Who got your H1 approval? Attorney or your HR dept.?
Any one can draft a letter to embassy. (This is not a thesis, you need help from any body, here no traing provided for writing a letter or a composition, we assume everybody in this forum is mature enough to write a letter.)
huh..You mean getting a travel visa... Search this forum ...You may have some luck...Also try www.murthy.com

all the best

Innocent4Ever said:
Gurus, can any one give me sample employer letters addressed to U.S. consulate for H1B visa stamping? :( :( :(

Thanks for your time and understanding.

Innocent4Ever :( :( :(
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great guru said:
Who got your H1 approval? Attorney or your HR dept.?
Any one can draft a letter to embassy. (This is not a thesis, you need help from any body, here no traing provided for writing a letter or a composition, we assume everybody in this forum is mature enough to write a letter.)
My company filed my H1B and it is very small company. May be I am the first person from my company going for H1B stamping. Don't assume everyone to be matured. There can be innocents and ignorants on this forum.

Innocent4Ever. :( :( :(
orangetreats said:
huh..You mean getting a travel visa... Search this forum ...You may have some luck...Also try www.murthy.com

all the best
Not for travel visa. Employer letter addressed to U.S. Consulate in Canada for the purpose of issuing H1B visa (i.e. visa stamping).

Thanks for your time and help greatguru and orangetreats.

Still did get a reply I am looking for. :( :( :(

Innocent4Ever :(
Here, I just got my visa stamped in New Delhi consulate for H1B extension. This is the EVL that I used there. Hope it helps


Aug 17th 2005

United States Embassy
Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi, India

RE: Nonimmigrant Visa for [Your NAME]

This is to verify that [YOUR NAME] is employed with [COMPANY NAME] as a Software Engineer on a temporary basis since July 8th 2001 until June 25th 2006 with annual salary of $XXXXXX. [YOUR NAME] is visiting India for the purpose of visiting family for a period of 15 days. Upon his return, he will resume his assignment with us.

It is requested that all possible assistance be afforded to Mr. [YOUR NAME] in his application for a nonimmigrant visa. If you have any questions regarding his employment, please contact our office at [HR PHONE NUMBER]

Sincerely yours

Administrative Manager
saurabh_tulika said:
Here, I just got my visa stamped in New Delhi consulate for H1B extension. This is the EVL that I used there. Hope it helps


Aug 17th 2005

United States Embassy
Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi, India

RE: Nonimmigrant Visa for [Your NAME]

This is to verify that [YOUR NAME] is employed with [COMPANY NAME] as a Software Engineer on a temporary basis since July 8th 2001 until June 25th 2006 with annual salary of $XXXXXX. [YOUR NAME] is visiting India for the purpose of visiting family for a period of 15 days. Upon his return, he will resume his assignment with us.

It is requested that all possible assistance be afforded to Mr. [YOUR NAME] in his application for a nonimmigrant visa. If you have any questions regarding his employment, please contact our office at [HR PHONE NUMBER]

Sincerely yours

Administrative Manager
Thanks Mr. Saurabh Tulika for your reply. You are awesome. :) This is very helpful. :)

Innocent4Ever :D :D :D