Live and work in the US, am I eligible?


New Member

I wonder if someone can please offer me any words of advice! I am a 23 year old University graduate the UK and I'm looking to come and live and work in the US. I'm not sure if I want to come and live and work for ever or just for a few years, but for all that I've read online this seems to be incredibly difficult!

I have family that live in California, two great aunts and their families plus some second cousins. I know these aren't classed as 'close' relatives so they would not be able to sponsor me, but they would obviously be letting me stay with them/helping me out when I first arrive.

My dad has previously lived in the USA albeit some time ago (the 70s, crikey!) and although he states he never had a green card, he lived and worked there for a couple of years and he had a social security number. I've read somewhere that these are for life, would this make him a lawful citizen?

Basically I'm very lost and confused, does anyone know if I would have any chance of being able to come over to live and work?

Thank you!