Let Project Cosmos Campaign #1 begin on Monday 6/14/2004

operations said:
I need every one's input. All view points including those I disgree with are welcome.

What does this all mean? Nothing. They could have drafted a more fair response and narrowed the controversy. They chose not to do so. This is their right as defendants. But I find it shameful that our government litigates in a manner calculated to waste the time of the courts rather than achieve justice.

Just because they deny facts or law does not alter either. If they wish to go to trial, we will line up the court with witnesses who can testify as to the harm suffered.

Agreed, they have strong legal arguments. the strongest one being the separation of powers - normally - court will not tell an agency how to run its business. Nevertless, it is upto the court to intervene or not. That is why we are here, in court.

What will we do? We will fight - win or lose. And as a community, we will never again be treated with disregard. We will try always to fight for the right cause - win or lose. It is the struggle that is important.

We must simultaneously approach Congress for help and not just fight on the judicial front.

The first big test in this litigation would be the determination on the class action. Let us see where that goes.

Hang tight. I will keep you informed.

We need some more leadership amongs you folks. More people to plan, organize, move.
Just my two cents. My warmest regards to all of you.

This is one of Rajiv's posts in the Complaint forum. I saw fit to post it here again.
Faxed to the below mentioned between 06/15 - 06/16

Saxby Chambliss, GA (Chairman)
Charles E. Grassley, IA
Jon Kyl, AZ
Mike DeWine, OH
Jeff Sessions, AL
Larry Craig, ID
John Cornyn, TX

Edward M. Kennedy, MA (Ranking Democrat)
Patrick J. Leahy, VT
Dianne Feinstein, CA
Charles E. Schumer, NY
Richard J. Durbin, IL
John Edwards, NC

Also, could the moderator please put this link in the STICKY area for more visibility
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I'd like to participate too. Is there a standard draft/template that everyone is using or is everyone drafting their own letters?

If there's a draft out there can someone please send me the link to it?

Thanks in advance. :)

United we stand. Divided we get ignored and delayed. :)