legal representation?


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General question:

How important is retaining an attorney for naturalization?
I understand that this question can only be answered on a cases by case basis, however, assuming that there are no major problems (i.e. conviction of a crime etc..).

1. How many of you paid an attorney to file your case with USCIS?

a. You did it primarily for the psychological aspect of knowing
it has been taken care of the right way.


b. You anticipated problems with your application.

I would like to find out what the general consesus is on this forum. I know this is a random question. I expect random answers. That's ok.

Thanks for your answers.


I had a couple of small concerns and so considered using a lawyer. But the lawyers I spoke with seemed to think that the case is pretty straight-forward. In the end, I did it on my own. I received a couple of quotes from $500 to $1500 for a naturalization application (excluding fees).

I was told that lawyers don't usually accompany their clients to the interview (this costs extra). Also I figured that if I get a lawyer I'll still need to check the forms that're filled out for accuracy, etc. I'd be doing the same amount of work. So in the end I did the work myself.
I got a lawyer because they do this process for a lot of people, so it's less likely that you would miss something if you had an attorney. ...especially if you are busy at work.
It really depends on your case. In my case, I spoke to a few attorneys and almost all of them said that I should do the application myself because it was a very straightforward case.

So, if you have no complications in your history, then it's worthwhile to do it yourself. It takes very little time in filling out the application.
My two cents...

I had some trips to India that I felt might be an issue and also was missing a passport entry stamp so I consulted with a lawyer for $150 or so to make sure I was eligible...

Once the lawyer had determined that my eligibility was not an issue (based on my physical presence and continuous residence) I went ahead and filed it myself...

If you have any "out-of-the-ordinary" circumstances, you can discuss with a lawyer, but it may not be necessary for them to do the filing for you once you have cleared your questions/concerns with them...

:D Good luck!!
