labor substitution case for I140


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is the resume required for a labor substitution case in I140. my lawyer did not ask me for one. just a bit concerned.

Basically they need your experience information, hence they typically ask for your resume. But, the resume is not sent to INS. They use resume to fill the ETA 750 A/B form (This is the paperwork needed for filing labor). Even in substituted labor situations like us, they will fill the ETA 750 forms but they dont file the forms with the labor department. They need your resume to fill these forms.

They send the I-140 petition, our filled, uncertified forms (Uncertified: Because they were never sent to labor department) along with the original approved labor petition to INS for filing I-140. This is the typical process for substituted labor.

Hope it helps...

That definitely helps. What do you mean by 'They send the I-140 petition, our filled, uncertified forms '. Do you mean there are some other forms besides the ETA one which we have to fill. As far as i know i just filled that ETA form only.pls respondThey send the I-140 petition, our filled, uncertified forms
i meant the ETA750 forms...since you have submitted these forms along with the 140 paperwork, you should be fine...
Labor substitution - Is this possible?


I have a labor certification pending at DOL and recently received a NOF for the same. Also have a pending 7th year H1 extension based on this labor application.

Is it possible for me to apply for I140 using a pre-approved labor cert. from my current employer and work location.

If yes, do I have to re-apply for the 7th year H1 extension based on the pre-approved labor or can I go on with the existing one.

Anyone in similar situation? Please post your thoughts, experiences on the above.
