L1 eligibility after 6 month gap in employment


Registered Users (C)
thanks in advance for reading this thread and your subsequent thoughts and response on the issue :) ...

Here is my scenario ...

I worked for an very large International company and was based in one of the European offices for about 2.5 years up until about 3 months ago when I left the job.

This company has very large operations / offices throughout the United States. Assuming I rejoin the company in about 3 months time in a new role / department and then I ask to be transfered on an L1 visa to one of the offices in the US, will the fact that I would have by this time had a total of a 6 month gap in employment with the firm effect the L1 application?

Just to add that I think the company may have blanket L1 coverage - however I am not 100% sure of this.

Your answers are very much appreciated! :)