K1 and Police Clearance issue


New Member
Sorry for the long post..

My fiance in US applied for a K1 visa for me last year and I was called for an interview in Feb. The interview went well and the consulate said that they will approve the K1 provided I can provide a Police Clearance from Qatar (I worked there for about 5 yrs, but had left the job 2 yrs ago).

Since Dec of last year, I've tried every means possible of trying to get a Police Clearance from that country, but the application has been stuck in some bureaucratic limbo for the last 8 months. I've hired a local lawyer in that country too, but they have been unable to get the police clearance or even a denial letter from the concerned department. Every time my lawyers try to get information on the case, the authorities say that the will not release the info as it is classfied. I do not have any police or criminal record in that country and never overstayed, etc*

I'm now at my wits end. The US consulate has given me time till Aug to submit the Police Clearance along with my Passport for stamping and I don't see that happening. Any advice on how I can proceed. Is there any way I can convince the US consulate to forgo the Police Clearance. Someone had suggested to try and get a denial letter for the Police Clearance from the right authorities in that country, but I can't get that either, they simply refuse to issue any letter. Maybe it was my lawyers frequent inquires that ticked them off.*

I do have the Fedex receipt/invoice of my initial request for Police Clearance to that country's Interior Ministry. I can also get an affidavit from my lawyers in that country stating that they have been trying since the past 6 months and are unable to get the Police clearance or a denial from the Ministry. I might also be able to get a Character verification letter from my previous employers in Qatar stating that I left on my own terms and with no outstanding legal issues.*

Are there any other documents that might help? has anyone else gone through a similar situation? Are there any 3rd parties that performs independent police verification and are they acceptable by the US embassy?*

Please help !*
I would say send them all the information you mentioned already now (attorney affidavit, proof of mailing, employer character reference). What else can you do? Do you know anyone who can pull strings for you in Qatar? Alternatively, do you trust your lawyer (e.g. he's not pocketing your fees and snowjobbing you)? You might also contact your country's embassy in Qatar, or better yet have your fiance contact the US embassy there and ask them to try contact the police officials to let them know why the documents are needed. I don't know if they'll do it, but it is worth a try. If all else fails there's really nothing you can do other than to document everything to USCIS that you've done all you can.

Also, has your lawyer just been calling the same folks for 6 months, or has he gone up and across the hierarchy to try to work another branch of government. I know Qatar is small, but you ought to be able to get a letter in writing from SOMEBODY. Spam the heck out of them, you should get a response from someone.