j1- waiver at district office, help help


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Please help me. Five months ago I submitted my j1 waiver at Atlanta District office based on hardship. They send me a plain receipt with out any specific and expected processing time. After two months, I sent a letter, at least, to know the processing time. No reply. By the end of three months, I wrote my second letter and made appointment through info pass. The officer did not find any information about my i-612 in her computer. She just told me that my case was transferred to Texas. On the next week, I called the national service center and asked them. They also did not see any thing in their system. Again I made an other info pass appointment and met the same officer. This time she asked me to fill a form to request the status. I wait one month and no reply. I send my 3rd letter requesting the status of my application, both to Texas and Atlanta. No reply. Today I went there and I found that the officer at reception desk and even their immediate boss do not know anything about my application. The officer complained to me that I am impatient. After two hours waiting, the officer told me she does not have any update and advised me to return the beginning of next year.
I am puzzled? Do I need a lwayer?
What can you advise me?
I really appreciate it.