J-1 waiver work hours


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I have some questions about j-1 waiver work hours?
1- is there any difference between primary care doctor( or medicine , ob/gyn and psychiatry) and other specialties work hours in j-waiver condition?
or both groups have to work 40 hours per week?
2- i saw some state have range between 32-40 hours/ week ? what does it mean?
3- My empolyee told me iam going to work 160/monthly, it means it will be 16x 11( 12-one month vacation)= 1760 hours, if i divided it to 40 hours = 44 weeks per year.so there are some weeks that they are not calculated? is it possible?
4- Iam ER doc and i won't have regular schedule. is it going to be problems?
I will appreciate any feedbacks.
1- is there any difference between primary care doctor( or medicine , ob/gyn and psychiatry) and other specialties work hours in j-waiver condition?
or both groups have to work 40 hours per week?

Both have to work 'full-time', whatever the respective state defines as such.

2- i saw some state have range between 32-40 hours/ week ? what does it mean?

Some states will allow you 8 hours per week 'administrative time' to count towards the 40 hours. So if your records only reflect 32hours of patient care, they won't hold it against you. What you do with the 8 hours is up to you (typically, you would work in a better paying job actually practicing your specialty rather than wilting away in some dead-end primary care gig.

3- My empolyee told me iam going to work 160/monthly, it means it will be 16x 11( 12-one month vacation)= 1760 hours, if i divided it to 40 hours = 44 weeks per year.so there are some weeks that they are not calculated? is it possible?

Say what ?

4- Iam ER doc and i won't have regular schedule. is it going to be problems?

As long as you work the number of hours required by the particular state health department you should be fine.
Another question about work hours for J-1

I have been working over 100 hours/week in the ICU. (It was 103 hours last week on my log.) I just wonder what is considered illegal or unacceptable workload for J-1 waiver physicians. (Seriously I'm thinking of quitting my job because of this unreasonable workload.)
I have been working over 100 hours/week in the ICU. (It was 103 hours last week on my log.)

And I thought internship was bad !

If you keep racking up the hours like this, you should be done with your waiver in about 15 months.....
hadron said:
And I thought internship was bad !

If you keep racking up the hours like this, you should be done with your waiver in about 15 months.....

You were joking, right? Well, if you weren't, how many hours does it take to complete the J-1 waiver?
i feel sorry for your plight , you still have to show 40 hours a week in primary care for 3 years, doing extra does not shorten that period , actually when a lot of us( doing J1 waivers) are covering hospitals on top of our 40 hours a week in primary care, we get no credit for the hospital work at all.
Is there any standard or recommendation by the AMA or ACP or SHM or any other organization for the limit to the number of consecutive days on call for a hospitalist for the ward and/or ICU? Does anyone know if this is published anywhere?