Is it OK to request Congressman to check on the Status


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Is it OK to request Congressman to check on the Status of my I-485 Application?

Our Attorney is saying it might make the officer angry and can cause problems. I don't know whether to go for it or not. Please give me your advice.

RD 02/11/2002
FP1 04/10/2002
Nothing after that.

3rd EAD applied on 12/03/2003 and No approval yet.
Get Termparory EAD from Local Office for three months
I don't think they should be angry for receiving an inquiry from a Congressman/Senator, after all you are their constituents and the process has been taking long these days.
Originally posted by cbalas
Is it OK to request Congressman to check on the Status of my I-485 Application?

Our Attorney is saying it might make the officer angry and can cause problems. I don't know whether to go for it or not. Please give me your advice.

RD 02/11/2002
FP1 04/10/2002
Nothing after that.

3rd EAD applied on 12/03/2003 and No approval yet.
Get Termparory EAD from Local Office for three months

Go ahead and complain to Congressman and Senator.
Complain about the multiple FPs and/or the the lack of them, lack of communication with USCIS and the need of IEAD for a few months! Say without fear is a disgrace to the country.
I am not sure what you mean by "Our lawyer..", if you mean the company lawyer then I can tell..
It is absolutely Okay

It is okay to contact with Congressman & Senators both.
Because some Congressman office is irresponsible to take care of this issue & kind of lazy .

So it is better to contact with your congressman office & both senators (2 Senators each state). It works. If one office is not sincere to take care of this, another office will must take care of it.

Finding your congressman :

For senators:

These Offices do inquiry (on behalf of you) through "Congressional Unit". They investigate through "top" channel of Immigration Department.

>"the officer angry and can cause problems"<

In America, don't care about those words.It does not work.

Just go their office & tell your problem. They will help you.

Good luck

It may help ,, read the Link below: