IS EAD Enough?


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Is EAD enough to take an offer from a client or we need to provide extra proof? Will potential employer refuse to hire because EAD is only vaild for a year?

It is perfectly legal and you do not need any other proofs, but it all depends on a company HR's attitude and knowledge about immigration issues.
I talked to one company some time ago, and all my attempts to explain what EAD is only triggered suspicions. They knew only two things - H1 or GC (I wish it was as simple as that), and they told me "we don't know about EAD, we have to talk to someone who know, but we do know whom to ask..." It was a nice company, too bad they had a genuine bone-head for the recruiter.
EAD should be enough as a proof to work legally in the states. If they raise a concern anout it expiring in one year, just explain that it is like a H1 that expires in 3 years, except that the company does not have to worry about applying themselves.