Initial Assesment Recd


Registered Users (C)
Dear All,

I had received the Initial Assesment few days back. My Interview has also been waived off currently.Here is my case history::
Applied in Jan 2002 got few forms in March 2003 sent them back in April 2003 and recently got the initial assement.

As usual they had asked me to attach the following docs again.

1) Employment letter
2) Degree , transcripts, credentials
3) Medical forms.

Can anyone answaer the following questions.
1) They had asked me to write the details of employment in the letter for which peiod to which period , working as what etc. What if the employer doesnt give such a letter in depth but is ready to give a letter saying that I am currently employed with him. Can anyone send me a format of experinec letter reqd???

2) What do they mean by transcripts?? Credentials??

3) THey had mentioned somewhere in their form that I have to wait for six months before medicals done. But they have not ticked or checked it as they did for other reqd docs. So does it mean that since I have my interview waived I can go ahead and do my medicals??

4) Till what time is the Landing papers valid once they stamp it on the passpor???

It has been a wondeful forrum and has helped me very much during the entire processing of my appln. All the best to all. Let me know if I can be a help to anyone.

Hi welcomehome,

Congrats! I had a small question. What is the process of obtaining FBI clearance certificate and at what stage of the application process did you submit it? Did you include it along with the initial application?


vikki bhai,

I had submitted the police clearance 2 times so far and this is the thrid time I will be doing it.

Go to ur local police station if u r in us and ask them where u can get the finger prints done. they will tell u. This is valid if u r in US.
thanks welcomehome. After getting the fingerprints locally, I believe I've to send the original fingerprints to FBI office, and they'ld send me the certificate. Is that right? Also, how long does it take to get the certificate from FBI after mailing the fingerprints?

How come you had to submit the clearance 3 times in just a year? That'ld be a pain.
