Indiana SWA tracker

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Is there anyway we could get the State Govt involved? Indiana SWA is under State and not fedral control. I mean to get the word out to the Immigrant friendly State politicians and see if they could prod things along a little faster.
I dont know what is going on. Indiana is the only other state except DC which is stuck in Apr 2001 for RIR processing!!!! Does anyone have any idea when is the backlog supposed to be cleared?
6yrs complete. Filed LC 3yrs back.Ext?

I have been following these comments judiciously. I filed for my state LC in Dec 2001. My 6yrs get completed in Dec 2004. I thought that to obtain a 7th year extension I need to have applied for I140. But as per the previous comments in this thread it seems that is not the case and that I can file for an extension. Please advise. Thanks.
That used to be the law, but is no longer. All you need to be able to document now in order to be eligible for extensions of your H-1B beyond the 6 years is that your labor certification application was filed at least 365 days prior to the 6-year expiration of your H-1B.

Is there any way to find out any tentative month/year for Labor to start moving in Indiana?
I don't know how definitive of an answer you might get, but have you tried contacting the SWA in Indiana directly with your question?
Still At Aprol 2001 !!!

I just checked the status of Indiana State Labor Department. It is still working on April 2001 for RIR. Any thoughts???
Not quite sure what type of response you are looking for. Indiana is not the only state still trying to sift through all the April 2001 cases, so this is not an uncommon phenomenon in Indiana.

Indiana has now officially declared itself to be the worst state for Labor processing. In a press release today, Indiana said "Now that the only other state to have been stuck in Apr 2001 along with us for RIR i.e DC has moved to may 2001, we can officially say that we suck!!!"

Somehow I feel, my lame exercise in sarcasm would have no effect on the proceedings.

Regards to all waiting in Indiana!!
Why this thread is not active??

How come nobody posts in this thread recently...We can not give up ! Keep on posting. Soemtj-hing good will come out...
+++++ New Sophisticated Trackers +++++

Hi All,
Please enter your information in the new trackers for all states leading to Chicago DOL, i.e. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Wisconsin.
The trackers are available at These trackers are only for RIR cases. The trackers for the Non-RIR cases will be made available shortly. If you are already a member of our forums, you can directy login into the tracker using the same username/password. if you are not a member of our forums, then you will have to register yourself before you can start using the tracker. Please let us know your comments and suggestions for improvements as you use this tracker. Email us at

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This is a very useful forum to get latest info on LC.
My husband's company filed for his RIR LC in Indiana in May 2002. As everybody else here we are still waiting...He now runs the office in Michigan though his company is headquarted in Indiana.

I don't know if this is possible, but can we get his LC transferred to MI
I'm in the same queue as you guys. I started my process on July-2001. Nobody seems to know when the dates will start moving. I have tried my lawyer and sesa, but all I have got are false hopes. No one seems to be managing the situations. Any ideas on what to do next?
I tried cotacting a senetor. The reply I got was Mr Replogle is doing the best he can. He is the only labor specialist they have and he handles H1 also. Maybe someone from state govt would be more helpful thanfederal govt.
Ideally Joe Kernan would have to be approached. With elections looming around the corner, both Mitch Daniels and him would be pretty reasonable to all requests. What needs to be done is involvement of the electorate community i.e, people who can vote, not people like us who don't have political leverage. If you are a member of any ethinic community, talk to the leaders or presidents of associations to contact the acting Governer.

Anybody out there with labor filed around April/May 2001 in Indiana state? Please reply. Would like to know where is Indiana labor processing exactly? ( They say it is April. but what day of April?). Please respond...

Last edited by a moderator: for timepass till labour is cleared

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