Indian visa after us citizen

Congrats ...Singh6. Have a gr8 Indian vacation and do not forget to get your OCI while in India before your 5 years visa expiration.

This is the only way asylees can get visas belonging to SFO consulate. Apply at any other consulate after fulfilling their residence conditions. Get their state ID or utility bill, etc.

Asylees ... please do not apply at SFO consulate. You will never get your Indian visa.

Jim89 .... Please clear you mailbox.... your inbox doesn't recieve any private messages any more....Thanks
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Thanks Singh6. Also, did you have evidence of asylum status in your passport, or did you show them your GC? I mean, do they know you're an asylee?
Did you have evidence of asylum status in your passport - No exact evidence (stamp or so)
Did you show them your GC? - No
I mean, do they know you're an asylee? - May be Yes (..not sure.. just may be/probably) as my old NP was one year validity NP and 'was renewed few times (means few one year renewals)
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So you had renewed your passport with the SF consulate and showed your GC? In that case they probably know. Otherwise, not sure. Anyway, I am doing things in NY, but I just need experiences. Thank you.
Will do. Thanks. But, I am applying in NY. My passport expired in October 2005, and I naturalised last month, so I'm worried the consulate will ask why I never renewed it, and why I suddenly want an Indian visa or OCI after not going to India for the past 12 years, you know? You think that'll be an issue?
Will do. Thanks. But, I am applying in NY. My passport expired in October 2005, and I naturalised last month, so I'm worried the consulate will ask why I never renewed it, and why I suddenly want an Indian visa or OCI after not going to India for the past 12 years, you know? You think that'll be an issue?

New York Consulate will not ask you why you haven't renewed passport. If you don't have any Asylum stamp on your passport you will be fine. Make sure you get surrender certificate and do not show them copy of your Green Card which is not requred anyway. If you have any question you can PM me.
Great. I applied for the surrender certificate last week, but there's a backlog and yesterday they said they haven't even opened my envelope! Punks.

Also, do think it wise to apply for OCI with that long expired passport? Or should I just go for an entry visa. If I apply for OCI, will they care?
Go for this 5 year Visa first.... it will give you immediate relief... OCI is a time consuming process ... means you will keep on hanging with the uncertainties for un-necessary Lo__ng time... Also, you can get it from India as well..... Good Luck

Regarding NP expiry/12 years without visit... Why would they care.... It was your choice ... Sometimes we just think tooo much... let this mind/life be without any tensions :) ....No worries! you will be fine...
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Hehe, well, I hope you're right, Singh6. Thanks for calming my nerves a bit. I have time, though, so maybe OCI immediately to save money? Yeah.
Hi Cafeconleche, I heard if we apply for OCI while in India then we can get it within 10-15 days time period... Also, it commes with a guarantee that "Yes! I'm gonna get it"... While out there, we can have routine life/tourism/drinks/parties whithout thinking about some nozy consulate guy or about his dirty/complex thoughts ....or ... burning our own brain on how to overcome his/her complex thoughts/greed...

I see your rationale behind OCI application .... its not a bad idea if you have time and can handle uncertainties.... you can then just have one easy thought that 'alright, I've applied for it.. if I get it .. cool... if there's some issue... I will pay .. and will get it anyways' .. all the best my friend :)
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Have anyone successfully gotten Surrender certificate from SFO ? I don't have anything stamped but passport expired few years ago.
Thanks Singh6. Mostly, I am being cheap, hehe. Plus, I figure I might as well go for OCI so I don't have to deal with the consulate for a WHILE (until of course my kids/spouse need something). I will keep y'all updated.
I applied for visa from NY and still waiting. Its been 2 months. Everytime i call they telll me that are waiting for the clearance from Home ministry. anyone know how long does it take casue they dont know
Good Luck

I applied for visa from NY and still waiting. Its been 2 months. Everytime i call they telll me that are waiting for the clearance from Home ministry. anyone know how long does it take casue they dont know

My friend is in the same boat, he applied in SF around Sep, 2010 and still waiting for his clearance. I hope you get yours soon. Good Luck.
How long does SFO CGI take to issue visas to US born children of asylees. I saw their application form, it doesn't ask for copy of parents GCs etc for issuing visas to their US born children.... any thoughts?
I sent Travisa NY this comment. I called them today, and they said that the processing times stated are for AFTER the consulate receives the application, and that I could not be given a timeframe. UNBELIEVABLE:

Travisa's service so far has been sub-par. First, your online software has a bug in it, and I was being charged a $250 penalty erroneously. Second, your website states processing times of about 15 days from when the application is received. You have had my application for 3 weeks, and I have received neither an email stating the certificate is ready nor any other status update. When I check the status of my application online, it states that it was received, and that a status update can take upto 7 days, which, again, was 2 weeks ago. Your phone system had problems for about 2 weeks, and whenever I get to speak to someone, they are of NO help (except for Sonia). If it takes this long for just a surrender certificate, and you require us to send in our passports for OCI services, imagine how long we have to part with our passports for. This quality of service can be expected from the Indian consulate, but we are paying an additional fee for the process to be outsourced so that it becomes MORE efficient, and o far it seems that Travisa is as inefficient as the consulate. And, Travisa has the gall to raise their service charge! I intend to get in touch with other former Indians to demand that Travisa's services be dropped as you are adding nothing to the process except for an increase in fees and the hassle of having to send in our passports for unspecified period of time. Of course, until then, I am at the mercy of your bad service, and I just hope that my application will be processed by the end of the year.

I intend to email them this too.
A friend of mine and her two children are USCs but her spouse is still Indian Citizen. She wanted to apply for OCI under family category (means not as an individual) so besaically she will have to exclude her spouse but the online Indian form require her to fill information of her husband as well. Is there any issue with it? How should she persue? any advice..What if she doesnt enter any information of her Indian citizen husband