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Indian Police Certificate for non Indians living outside India! Is it needed?


Registered Users (C)

I've been selected for DV2008.

I've lived in India for 5 years while studying and I was wondering whether it is necessary for me to obtain a police clearance certificate from India.
The "reciprocity schedule" for India at the state department states -

Indian police certificates are not available for foreign (non-Indian) applicants applying outside India.

(http://travel.state.gov/visa/reciprocity/Country Folder/I/India.htm)

Given the context, this probably means that it is not possible (and hence not necessary) for me to get an Indian police clearance certificate.

But literally it could also mean that I'm supposed to go to India and get the police clearance certificate from somewhere! (But this is unlikely since had that been the case they would have specified exactly where I ought to apply as was done for all other cases!)

It'd be great to hear from anyone else who has been in the same situation or anyone who knows anything about this issue.
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Hi Barbara,

Thanks a lot for the reply! Glad your friend was told that he doesn't need to get a police certificate from India. Hopefully I will not need one either. Yup I will contact the US embassy (here in Colombo, Sri Lanka) and ask them about it. I'll do that right after I send the forms to KCC.

All the best!
