In the Pursuit of Happiness...Hapiness Finally !!!


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In the Pursuit of Happiness...Hapiness Finally !!!...card received in mail

A casual check yesterday evening in the e-mail revealed the magical mails.
"Card Production ordered"
And today morning
"Approval notice sent"

I know the Pursuit of happiness never ends in our lifetime, one pursuit ends and another begins. But this pursuit is finally over.

Its was like a black swan (an highly unexpected event) for me and many of us surely. Only a few months back i was telling anyone asking me about the expected GC is that will take another 4-5 years atleast and I had braced myself for the long haul.

I have just watched this Will Smith movie last week, hence the heading, seemed appropriate. Had a similar feeling like he did at the end of the movie.

was really thrilled to see many other cases getting approved yesterday, so July rumor is not a rumor.

cheers and good luck to all the expecting ones. Your Pusuit is also going to end soon, at least this one.

PD : Dec 2003
485 RD : Nov 2004
1st FP : Mar 2005
2nd FP : May 2007

X-ferred to TSC from VSC in May 2007.

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Can you post additional details about ur case..
EB2/3 PD,RD... if it transfer case etc....
Sorry guys about the missing data.
I guess i was too excited and missed the whole purpose of posting the info.

Here it is.

PD : Dec 2003
485 RD : Nov 2004
1st FP : Mar 2005
2nd FP : May 2007

X-ferred to TSC from VSC in May 2007.

when was your second FP ? congrats

Second FP was in May (either 10th or 11th not sure) 2007, after the X-fer to TSC.

Another interesting thing is that on the 6th of July (last Friday) I had contacted the IO at TSC and she told me that my application was waiting to be assigned to an officer.
I was expecting to hear that its already with an officer, but was disappointed and had resigned to the fact that I would have to wait till Oct now.

But then yesterday evening the mails.

It has been a long wait for you. You deserved a big party to celebrate!!!!
All because of the Labor Substitution fiasco is behind us now

It has been a long wait for you. You deserved a big party to celebrate!!!!

Thanks guys,
Absolutely deserves a great celebration, and I had started that yesterday.

Just want to point out the fact that i have always maintained that Labor substitution was the biggest culprit in this retrogression saga.

The 245i was just a smoke screen. It was never a factor.

Anyone can go back to my previous post in the last 2 years. I have said it repeatedly that the day Labor Substitution is abolished we will see a big movement in the PD's. I have mentioned the reasons also.

This has been proved absolutely true.
USCIS has finally been able to look through the rubble or shit (fraudulent Labor Substituted applications) and hence abolished it completely.
And the results are there to be seen.

People who have been waiting 2-3 years in 485 will get their GC if not this month than surely in the 2007 quota.

This will in effect help people who have been waiting eagerly to file 485. Once they file their pain is going to be lesser. Even though i understand the pain they are going through because of the fact that they are not able to even file and take advantage of EAD which at least I had.

I know u will keep hanging in there, the light is finally there at the end of the tunnel, the biggest rock hiding the light is off now.

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Congrats. When did your Name Check got completed. Also do we get letter if the case gets transferred from VSC to TSC.
