If you are a retrogressed Dr, write to AMA IMG section


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One of my friends, who is in retrogression has written to the IMG section of the AMA. Their leaders - Chair Bernd Wollschlaegar, and other members of the Governing Council have promised to take action by contacting their lobbyists in Washington DC.
I am planning to write to them to strengthen this demand.
Please also write to Dr Bernd A. Wollschlaeger, info@miamihealth.com and stress your problems. They already know that hundreds of physicians from India & China are affected - let us force them to act!
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I think a good argument to the lawmakers is that particularly NIW physicians are not impacting the US labor market at all. After all, these positions are in areas already certified by HHS to be abandoned by US trained physicians.

At the very minimum, docs who get their GC through the NIW route should be exempt from any sort of quota issues.

Also, contact your congressman/senator. While you are not a constituent in the sense that you can vote for him, improving the provision of healthcare is an issue lawmakers tend to be interested in.
On the other hand.

Don't expect too much help from the AMA. Most of the restrictions on physician immigration where introduced at the urging of AMA. So, they are certainly not our friend when it comes to immigration law.
Hey, also join Immigration Voice!

desimd said:
One of my friends, who is in retrogression has written to the IMG section of the AMA. Their leaders - Chair Bernd Wollschlaegar, and other members of the Governing Council have promised to take action by contacting their lobbyists in Washington DC.
I am planning to write to them to strengthen this demand.
Please also write to Dr Bernd A. Wollschlaeger, info@miamihealth.com and stress your problems. They already know that hundreds of physicians from India & China are affected - let us force them to act!
No harm in writing to anybody, but also join www.immigrationvoice.org and participate in helping yourself!
I think a good argument to the lawmakers is that particularly NIW physicians are not impacting the US labor market at all. After all, these positions are in areas already certified by HHS to be abandoned by US trained physicians.
True, contacting lawmakers will also be helpful! But, it makes better sense if you run coordinated efforts like they do at www.immigrationvoice.org!

hadron said:
On the other hand.

Don't expect too much help from the AMA. Most of the restrictions on physician immigration where introduced at the urging of AMA. So, they are certainly not our friend when it comes to immigration law.
But, you have got to see the IMG section now.
They were in the forefront of the lobbying effort to renew the Conrad-30 Program.
They have also added more teeth to their resolutions - now their resolutions have to be considered by the AMA House of delegates.
And, by default every IMG is a member of this section - nearly 35,000 strong!
It seems like they are genuine in their effort to represent IMGs!
No harm if one writes to them!
Here is their webpage http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/17.html !

I have heard of many instances where the AMA has been very much pro restrictive provisions on physician immigration. A large part of the J1 waiver programme and its restrictions are at their guidance.

However a few things are different at this juncture. Firstly the AMA is losing members at an alarming rate and can ill afford to alienate any constituent group. Secondly in the setting of projected physician shortages, and where they themselves are slowly endorsing expanding medical school and residency slots, it would be hard for them to go against their own view.
Finally the IMG section of the AMA has been known to go against the policy of the AMA. I would not be surprised if this were to happen. In this instance a more likely outcome would be for the AMA to stay quiet.

I think the NIW cases are especially aggregoius, asking someone to wait a lot longer after 5yrs is not really fair and can be argued very easily. I was sort of dissapointed that Sen Brownback did not ask for an ammendment on the EB visa rule for NIW physicians along with the J1 visa program extension in the Senate judiciary meetings. A similar request for nurses and PTs is awaiting voting.

Those are my 2 cents. I have already written my congressman and senator.
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Yes, there is a disconnect between the IMG section and AMA as a whole. The IMG section folks have good intentions and I applaud their efforts, but the organization they work for is a force of evil.

I am not a member of AMA. They work squarely against the interests of my specialty, as well as the interest of myself as an FMG. Why should I feed the very organization that makes my life miserable ?

They were in the forefront of the lobbying effort to renew the Conrad-30 Program.

To perpetuate the system of bondage AMA has brought upon us in the first place !

They should lobby to get the avenue of the 'no objection' waiver re-opnened for physicians. Many of us are from countries that could care less whether we return or not. Instead of limiting us to often less attractive waiver jobs, we should have the option to avail ourselves of the same options for a J1 waiver that anyone else has.
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What are our other options?

What can we do to overcome Retrogression? Do you have any ideas?
What can we do to overcome Retrogression? Do you have any ideas?

Whatever it is, I don't think it is the AMA.

We should talk to our respective specialty colleges, each of them has a lobbying arm separate from the AMA. Then for what its worth direct contacts to lawmakers at our respective place of work. At times, some of your local colleagues will be active in the political parties which can be used as contacts.

My suggestion (to our senator) was to put the NIW docs under schedule A and to increase the schedule A quota.
hadron said:
Whatever it is, I don't think it is the AMA.

We should talk to our respective specialty colleges, each of them has a lobbying arm separate from the AMA. Then for what its worth direct contacts to lawmakers at our respective place of work. At times, some of your local colleagues will be active in the political parties which can be used as contacts.

My suggestion (to our senator) was to put the NIW docs under schedule A and to increase the schedule A quota.
You have over a 1300 posts to your credit - so maybe you know something. The point is that we seem to be too scattered and have few numbers to make ourselves heard. I agree trying the IMG section of, for example, the American College of Physicians, is also a good idea.
Maybe you are right about the AMA. But, I have seen some of the correspondence between my friend and the IMG section of the AMA, it seemed to indicate that they wanted to take this up.
I agree that reaching out to lawmakers is a good idea, but the number of doctors is too less to influence them significantly.
Has anybody from India tried reaching the AAPI? What do you think, hadron?
I am sure the IMG section is doing honest work on this, I just don't think that AMA as a whole will take up the issue.

I think contacting other professional organizations is a good idea.

While I am not indian and not affected by retrogression (I am a 'immediate relative'), I feel for you guys and I'll do what little I can to help in your fight.