I am done Fellows. 31 months Total process


Registered Users (C)
I am happy to announce that I did get naturalized yesterday may 29 08 in Pittsburgh.
Best wishes to all of you.
Thank you all , I am still in a state of unbelieving, after a while, I thought I ll write in my death certificate that my immigration status is "pending namecheck" status. Actually I just realised that the process actually took 34 months, counting from the day I sent in my N400.
I Also had a couple of traffic tickets that I wasn't sure where exactly I got them, they were highway speeding, and didn't get points for them since at the time I fought them back, So they couldn't be located on my driver history, but they did exist.
I simply told the IO in the ceremony about that by the word, and he simply handed me my name slip that I'll be using to get the Natz certificate.
Also might have been a factor is that the ceremony included 253 people from 78 different countries, so in a way they were trying to keep things going, especially with only 3 IO available to check us all in.
All in all, I was blessed with the great outcome, and wish everyone here the same in the very near future.
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