I 140 pending in TSC


New Member

I had filed for I140 under premium processing at the TSC doing efiling. The USCIS received my papers on 26th April 2007. Since then I am seeing the status which displayes 60 days for decision, where as I expected 15 days since it is premium processing. Today is the 13th day and still the status is the same.

Can anyone suggest me about this.

Thanks a lot!
I applied regular on 4/7/2007 and then upgraded to premium on 5/6/2007 and today I got the approval. Usually they say 15 days but it could be +/- 2-3 days.

Have you seen any LUDs on you I-140 if you did then hang on there it could be any time....I saw an LUD and there was nothing for 2-3 days and then another LUD and nothing the following day and today they approved it.....

So you have waited this long, let them have another 2-3 days and see what happens....