I-130 Information about alien relative question


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In the I-130 form, # 17. List husband/wife and all children of your relative as shown below in the link


Since I don't have any kids/ex-wife do I have to list my wife's info here?

Note: I'm the beneficiary and my fiancee is the sponsor.

Also, # 20. If your relative's native alphabet is other than Roman letters, write his or her name and foreign address in the native alphabet.

I barely can write my name in my native alphabet let alone writing the address. So is it OK to just leave it blank? or should I write N/A. Please advice.
If the sponsor is your fiancee', why are you filling in an I-130?

Because she does not know what to fill for these questions. Besides how will she know to write in my native alphabet when I myself can't write in my native. Is she supposed to learn my native language and fill it out??
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You are filling in the wrong form. Spouses fill in an I-130. Fiance(e)'s fill in an I-129F.

Because she does not know what to fill for these questions. Besides how will she know to write in my native alphabet when I myself can't write in my native. Is she supposed to learn my native language and fill it out??
I found the answers to my questions in this forum.

for #17 Just put my future wife's info and #20 leave blank.