How Long for Medicals to be received


Registered Users (C)
I had my medicals done on 11/1 and the doctors office told they were sent to Ottawa on 11/8 and the express mail tracking number showed they were delievered on 11/14.

But, I got a letter from Canadian Consulate around 11/28 that I need to complete my medicals soon to ensure processing on my application. However when the request for medical along with IA was received around 10/20/06, it said I had 60 days to complete them. So wondering how come I got reminder sort of letter a month after.

Lastly Is there a way to confirm that medicals were received OR I shouldn't be concerned at all as it might take about month after medical package was received in ottawa to enter in system and it still about 2 weeks early.

I would suggest you let the Canadian Embassy know

If you have received a letter telling that you need to complete the medicals when you already completed the same, it will be wise to send a detail letter to the Consulate telling them that the medicals had been completed on the date... etc. so that they can inquire with the doctor and find out