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How long does actual form processing take?


Registered Users (C)

My case number is current. EU15**. I sent my forms in about 2 months ago and got delivery confirmation ( from postal tracking) about a week after. I rang the KCC and my docs were not on the system. When checking my log in page I got the error message and now it has gone back to normal.. Any ideas?
I have heard there there might be discrepancies in the two systems... I.e then the forms are received it is not updated as quickly on the records tey check when you call them..
I've sent my documents in June 13th. It is not in the system yet. They said they are processing files which arrived before June 10th. They also updated their generic email by saying, "please allow 10-12 weeks to inquire again" instead of "6-8 weeks"
case no. not in system

I've sent my documents in June 13th. It is not in the system yet. They said they are processing files which arrived before June 10th. They also updated their generic email by saying, "please allow 10-12 weeks to inquire again" instead of "6-8 weeks"
yeah mine also current for october from asia.i had also tracked my documents through fedex two months ago.Yesterday i called kcc they said mine document is not on the system..Rather they said did i posted the forms.I then told that i had tracked n is received there n signed..Then they said then it must be here..they also said
me to contact 2 weeks later..