How does Step3 increase the chance for H1 Visa


New Member
How will taking Step 3 increase my chances of getting an H1 visa?
I\'m an IMG and have completed Step 1 and Step 2 and will be taking CSA and plan to take Step3.
Please give me advice on this issue.
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You HAVE to have cleared step 3 ro get an H1 visa.
No ifs, ands or buts about it.
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Dear MJ1,
My wife is a doctor from India and successfully completed her Step 1 and Step2 and will be taking her CSA soon.
Some of the hospitals and schools local to our region donot apply for H1.
How will my wife taking Step3 improve her chances to get into these places after Step3?
I hear there is a way to pay INS $1000 to fasten the H1 process too. Can we somehow try ot convince the hospitals and schools to take that approach or can I pay for the process?
You can contact me directly at
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I would recommend taking clearint Step 3 and applying for FMG friendly hospitals that allow residents to work on H1.
There is no other way out if you want an H1. She can get a J1 but will either have to go back for 2 years or get a J1 waiver job. I\'m sure thats not quite what you want.
you can get H1 without step 3

you join as a medical researcher / resident. the program chair has to write a brief letter to that effect and meanwhile apply for step 3 and once you clear it then change the H1 B to medical resident. i did it but through a lawyer, can be done.
to sleep fellow.

can u pls let me know how to get in to research im in u.s in b visa..pls tell me how should i apply for the same ..can i get a research programme without gre?
hi sleepfellow-can u give me some information

hi sleepfellow-
i have cleared step1, step 2 and csa and am still planning to give step 3 -if u could give me information about which programmes take us as medical researcher/resident -it would be of great help to email id is

How do you plan to come to USA for the CSA? I heard they do not give visas from India to enter USA to attend the exam? Is there any way to come to take the CSA?