How do I suspend a conditional green card and prevent a spouse from entering the US?

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"I have a friend who sponsored his wife... and the wife was cheating on him after a year of marriage, literally. He gathered all the evidence, and guess what? All he did was obtain a divorce, period."

Did his wife successfully remove the condition on her green card even though they were divorced??
Grow up and forgive!


"I have a friend who sponsored his wife... and the wife was cheating on him after a year of marriage, literally. He gathered all the evidence, and guess what? All he did was obtain a divorce, period."

Did his wife successfully remove the condition on her green card even though they were divorced??

Your wife will be successful in removing conditions without you Sonny! My suggestion is that you grow up, move on with your life and forgive instead of ranting here about ways how to deport her. If you try to accuse her USCIS will take strong measures when you try to sponsoring someone the next time. You knew her for long before sponsoring her, you displaced her from her home town, now the relationships over and your thinking in terms of fraud. Your marriage didn't work that's the bottom line, and anyone can start a new relationship with someone who loves them more.
Immigration will deal with her when it comes to removal of conditions, as long as she married you in good faith she will be OK.
Also listen to very good advice given by johnnycash and others.
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I didn't read your post wherein you are seemed to be suggesting for an annulment nor I contradict anyone's opinions. I'm simply giving the OP how he could make his wife deported if he really wants to because that's what he seemed to have asked in his initial posting.

OP should definately go for the annulment. He should file for annulment based on three causes-(1) immigration fraud which is in itself a ground to annul the marriage. Court can annul a marriage regardless of its duration if one of the parties concealed something material to the marriage prior to the marriage and other party has had no knowledge about it.. (2) OP can also allege that his marriage didn't consumate which is also another ground to annul a marriage; (3) the duration of marriage in itself. And in the alternative, he should be asking for divorce. If somehow judge would annul his marriage on immigration fraud then that would be the lottery ticket for him to deport his wife because that's what he seems to be hoping/looking for. Besides, either party is free to ask court to annul their marriage if they believe they were tricked into the marriage for something else which seems to be the case here as per the OP's initial posting.

Again, something just doesn't seem right in their marriage. To me it seems that they both entered into the marriage for their own motive than for a real marriage. She got what she was looking for; while he didn't get what he was hoping for...or at least as much as he wanted to. To me, a fair game.

JC - I am not suggesting to get Annulment based on immigration fraud. I was suggesting to get the Annulment based on the facts of the marriage itself. If the couple hardly ever lived together or shared responsibilities etc that a usual marriage supposedly involve or sufficient evidence of cheating (assuming its true), then OP has grounds to get marriage Annulled.
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Your wife will be successful in removing conditions without you Sonny! My suggestion is that you grow up, move on with your life and forgive instead of ranting here about ways how to deport her. If you try to accuse her USCIS will take strong measures when you try to sponsoring someone the next time. You knew her for long before sponsoring her, you displaced her from her home town, now the relationships over and your thinking in terms of fraud. Your marriage didn't work that's the bottom line, and anyone can start a new relationship with someone who loves them more.
Immigration will deal with her when it comes to removal of conditions, as long as she married you in good faith she will be OK.
Also listen to very good advice given by johnnycash and others.

True, True... just listen to your instincts coz at the end of the day, it'll be you deciding on whatever you wanna happen to your not so perfect marriage.

I know that this is so stressful for you so you might wanna take care of this asap the best way you know then move on :)

"I have a friend who sponsored his wife... and the wife was cheating on him after a year of marriage, literally. He gathered all the evidence, and guess what? All he did was obtain a divorce, period."

Did his wife successfully remove the condition on her green card even though they were divorced??

NO, she didn't remove conditions, but she stayed around for the two years. After that I don't even know what happened to her. But I figured the stress of being here illegally for 2yrs pretending to be legal is punishment enough.
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Not neccesarily. I have a loser cousin who has over-stayed his F-1 since 1984, never completed his education, never held a real job, sponges off his two younger US citizen brothers, is obese due to over eating and has absolutely no guilt or remorse when reminded that he is an overstayer for the past 25 years!!!

But I figured the stress of being here illegally for 2yrs pretending to be legal is punishment enough.
Those who tell you to just forget about it and leave her alone, don't listen to them. Those who tell you there is NOTHING you can do, don't listen to them because they don't know what they are talkign about. It's not about moving on and bla bla bla. It's about nailing that criminal to the wall. Contact USCIS, do some research on your own, ask around, do whatever it takes to get her deported. The last thing thie country needs is "ANOTHER" criminal !!!

DO NOT listen to those who tell you just to leave her alone. Do it. Deport her !!!

He can not deport her. I guess it is USCIS duty to deport her or leave her to stay!
Yes, that’s true. When marriage falls apart forget about immigrants even people like to deport citizens also!!! (not everyone) Sometimes from this world too!! Its really sad! I remember reading few days back someone set fire in ex wife’s house and killed bunch of people. I guess people react different way for sad events in their life.
My wife has just been approved the conditional green card but has not received the actual card yet. She is currently travelling out of the country right after our interview with INS. I found out she has been cheating on me during the petition period and she's currently even travelling with the other guy probably celebrating the green card approval. Since she doesn't have the actual card yet, she will be coming back using the temp travel document. Is there anyway I can suspend/cancel her conditional green card status so she will not be able to enter the US?? She's obviously used me for the green card and cheated on me. I really appreciate any suggestions!.

Come On Man!! Unfortunately bad things Happen to good people . Give her a break !.

Would this be different if she was a U.S Citizen and broke up ??
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It's because people do NOTHING that it happens and CAN happen so much. If you do nothing when someone does something wrong, of course nothing happens.
The fact that she didn't move in with you after getting married is a strong reason for getting the marriage annulled.
The fact that she didn't move in with you after getting married is a strong reason for getting the marriage annulled.

So true. This is a undeniable ground for a marriage to get annuled. Any judge will annul a marriage on this ground without a hitch regardless of how long marriage has been. This ground is not an immigration-fraud ground wherein a judge would think twice in the interest of immigrant-spouse. So there are many grounds to seek an annulment. But keep it in mind that getting an annulment or even a divorce won't itself do the trick; rather OP must need to draft a well-written letter without blabbing much instead short, brief and to the point, and should it along with annulment or divorce decree to the INS.

And it's true that our govt. doesn't pay much attention to this kind of stuffs when it's reported to them because not many people care to report this kind of things to the govt....Probably, for the reasons what most immigrant-posters have said to the OP about moving on. Yes, things should be forgiven and people should move on, but all these things are very good in theory but very hard in a practical/real life especially when you have been used in a very low way just to take an advantage. The culprit should pay the price for the wrongdoing. Because of statements like "moving on", "forgiveness" and etc...these kinds of selfish and law-breakers easily get away. These kind of people give a bad name to others who marry with US citizens. Being a good citizen or resident, it's everyone's obligation in my opinion to report a crime or an immigrant fraud.

These time OP's wife tricked him for a green card, tomorrow she will trick someone for another thing. OP couldn't be able to stop her trickery, but he may protect another victim of her. Bottom line is- she committed an immigration fraud which should be reported. OP should do the right thing by filing for an annulment and reporting all this stuff to USCIS...and then let USCIS to do its job. To me, it's not about revenge, unkind heart, forgiving and moving on; instead it's about doing the right thing.
listen carefully sonny!

My wife has just been approved the conditional green card but has not received the actual card yet.

She has an approval stamp in the passport, the plastic card is not of importance

She is currently travelling out of the country right after our interview with INS.

Her AOS is approved, she can travel all she wants, no problems

I found out she has been cheating on me during the petition period and she's currently even travelling with the other guy probably celebrating the green card approval.

If she was cheating during the petition or even maybe before why didnt you stop the AOS. You need strong evidence of cheating, what u say will not stand to deport her.

Since she doesn't have the actual card yet, she will be coming back using the temp travel document. Is there anyway I can suspend/cancel her conditional green card status so she will not be able to enter the US??

Her actual card is not important, she can come back with the temp travel document. You cannot cancel or suspend her card.

She's obviously used me for the green card and cheated on me. I really appreciate any suggestions!.

you realized this only now that you were used and cheated upon right after she got her green card, had she became a citizen and cheated, youd feel your used for citizenship. There is not end to this. And besides for you it looks like cheating, for her your someone insensitive who cant provide the love she deserves, so shes got love from elsewhere. Thats not fraud.

I understand what your going thru, but to prove fraud is tough. u need third party affidavits, taped conversations, a detectives report etc. Its not fraud just because you say so, the judge will need alot to see. you need to convince the judge that there was fraud in the inception, and people falling out of love is not fraud.
The culprit should pay the price for the wrongdoing. Because of statements like "moving on", "forgiveness" and etc...these kinds of selfish and law-breakers easily get away. These kind of people give a bad name to others who marry with US citizens. Being a good citizen or resident, it's everyone's obligation in my opinion to report a crime or an immigrant fraud. .

I am the forgiveness person and it is up to the offended to either forgive or report. I personally believe in forgiveness because I have figured trying to think through revenge just takes away moments of happiness of my life. I never "pay back". Those who offend me I leave to the world to take care of them and guess what, they reap it big time. So reporting or forgiving is a personal decision which the offended in this case needs to make a decision. We are all different, with different ideals.
Those who offend me I leave to the world to take care of them and guess what, they reap it big time.

How the "world" will take care of offending people if no one will report to the "world" about offending people's actions???? Does "world" will automatically know the actions of offending people to take care of them?? Like an alien's status cannot be adjusted automatically by virtue of him/her to be merely married with a US citizen. Until both parties file paper with USCIS, USCIS doesn't automatically hand out a legal status to alien-spouse. Similarly, offending people's actions must be reported in order to expect any kind of action or to see being taking care of.

Secondly, this is not about forgiveness, ideals, matter of personal choice; instead it's about doing the right thing. OP's wife has tricked the OP, if this is right as per his story, then her actions must be reported to USCIS. Whether USCIS will revoke her green card or's between her and USCIS, but by reporting her actions OP will do the right things. The problem is- these kinds of crimes and immigration frauds go on and encourag others to do the same because of people who talk about forgiveness and moving on as if nothing was happened and everything would be "lovey-dovey". That's the sole reason US govt. don't pursue on this kinds of allegations/reporting because people don't come forward with it as much as they should have been. Again, it's about right and wrong than anything else.

If I would see someone kidnapping a child in my neighbor in front of me or robbing a bank in front of me, I would not only try to stop it all this happenning but also report those activities to the law enforcement to bring the offender to the justice than just let the offender kidnap the baby or rob the bank in the name of forgiveness, ideals, moving on. Yeah, some may say that immigration frauds are not crime but can they tell me how come they are not?? Crime is crime, and every good citizen (legal or ilegal) has an obligation to report it regardless of their ideals and personal choice. Forgiving, moving on, ideals and not reporting the crime and criminals won't help society, victims nor it helps in stopping the crime.
I agree. Too many people just "forgive" and ignore it, so it happens more and more.

How the "world" will take care of offending people if no one will report to the "world" about offending people's actions???? Does "world" will automatically know the actions of offending people to take care of them?? Like an alien's status cannot be adjusted automatically by virtue of him/her to be merely married with a US citizen. Until both parties file paper with USCIS, USCIS doesn't automatically hand out a legal status to alien-spouse. Similarly, offending people's actions must be reported in order to expect any kind of action or to see being taking care of.

Secondly, this is not about forgiveness, ideals, matter of personal choice; instead it's about doing the right thing. OP's wife has tricked the OP, if this is right as per his story, then her actions must be reported to USCIS. Whether USCIS will revoke her green card or's between her and USCIS, but by reporting her actions OP will do the right things. The problem is- these kinds of crimes and immigration frauds go on and encourag others to do the same because of people who talk about forgiveness and moving on as if nothing was happened and everything would be "lovey-dovey". That's the sole reason US govt. don't pursue on this kinds of allegations/reporting because people don't come forward with it as much as they should have been. Again, it's about right and wrong than anything else.

If I would see someone kidnapping a child in my neighbor in front of me or robbing a bank in front of me, I would not only try to stop it all this happenning but also report those activities to the law enforcement to bring the offender to the justice than just let the offender kidnap the baby or rob the bank in the name of forgiveness, ideals, moving on. Yeah, some may say that immigration frauds are not crime but can they tell me how come they are not?? Crime is crime, and every good citizen (legal or ilegal) has an obligation to report it regardless of their ideals and personal choice. Forgiving, moving on, ideals and not reporting the crime and criminals won't help society, victims nor it helps in stopping the crime.
Someone cheating on me is different from someone kidnapping my child, hello!

It's not about someone cheating; instead it's about someone tricking other into believing something else for their selfish motive and breaking an immigration law and committing a crime. It's also about toying with other's feeling/emotions and heart, and taking the advantage. The analogy I provided about other criminal situaitons in my above posting is same here because crime is a crime, and it should be reported.

One should not choose to report one crime over another nor to undermine one crime over another. Each crime has its own meaning/effect in its own stand. I would have let it go as a matter of "forgivness" if my gf/wife would have had cheated on me, but when she tricked me into gaining some material benefit such as an immigration benefit then I would and should report her actions to authority and let them deal with her than just let her go as if she did nothing.
Believe it or not, I didn't have confirmation of her cheating on me until the evening of the SAME day of the interview. I was just too shocked, lost, and confused, imagine going through 2 hours of INS interview, then going home to find out my wife has been cheating on me all a long!
Believe it or not, I didn't have confirmation of her cheating on me until the evening of the SAME day of the interview. I was just too shocked, lost, and confused, imagine going through 2 hours of INS interview, then going home to find out my wife has been cheating on me all a long!
$uscis -> $Cheating != $Fraud;
return $uscis;

Believe it or not, I didn't have confirmation of her cheating on me until the evening of the SAME day of the interview. I was just too shocked, lost, and confused, imagine going through 2 hours of INS interview, then going home to find out my wife has been cheating on me all a long!
Annul the marriage, and inform USCIS of the annulment. Then you move on and she becomes USCIS problem, not your problem.
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