Holding two TN visa in the same time


Registered Users (C)
My situation is that currently i am working with TN visa as a dentist in clinic A ( four days a week )and i have got a job offer from clinc B to work part time ( 2 days a week).my questions are:

1) Can i apply for the second TN and still work with my first TN? (hold both TN)
2) For applying the second TN ,do i have to go to the border or i can do it via the mail from inside the USA?
3) If by any chance my second TN gets rejected ,will it effects my first TN or i can still remain in USA and work with my first TN visa?

I appreciate and thank you in advance for any advise .
1) yes
2) either,as with nay TN. You need the TN approval in hand to work.
3) No effect, unless you are personally declared ineligible to be in US (criminal, immig intent).