Hi Extension filed one day late. Worried 2 death now


Registered Users (C)
Got my receipt number today from the lawyer

I sent all my papers in time to the lawyer but today when I checked with my receipt number I was stunned to see that BCIS has received my papers for H1B-Extension one day late.

After filing my H1B Extension, lawyers officers told me that my H1b has been filed in time and specifically that it was filed on Sept 07th 2005.

My H1 expired on Sept 08th but BCIS received the papers on Sept 09th.

1) Can anything be done now to put the things right?
2) Should I wait and see or should I contact the lawyers office and ask him to write a letter to BCIS for the one day delay?
3) What can be a good defense on this situation?
I am just worried to death now....