• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Help Me For DV


New Member
hi everyone ... how are U ?

my name is derry I'm From Indonesia ...

now My problem is I've already apply Lotrey for 3 times and they didn't chosse me ...

I wanna ask .. iF the choose me as a winner DV lottrey ... what kind a packet they wiLL be sent 2 me ??

and If I not win ... do they sent me a rejected letter or not ??

btw .. I realy want got some work in USA ... and have a usa citizenship ... anyone can help me about that ... Thx anyway
derzzz said:
hi everyone ... how are U ?

my name is derry I'm From Indonesia ...

now My problem is I've already apply Lotrey for 3 times and they didn't chosse me ...

I wanna ask .. iF the choose me as a winner DV lottrey ... what kind a packet they wiLL be sent 2 me ??

and If I not win ... do they sent me a rejected letter or not ??

btw .. I realy want got some work in USA ... and have a usa citizenship ... anyone can help me about that ... Thx anyway
HI Derry
if they chose you in the lottery they will send you a big white letter with some froms to fill and send it back, you should receive this letter between May and July if you didnt receive this you should know that you hadnt been chosen ...
Yes, keep trying but also pursue other options, if possible. Keep in mind that this is a lottery, not unlike financial lotteries (but with better odds and many more winners). I won last year after applying unsuccessfully yearly since the mid-1990s (at least 10 attempts). Since the outcome is supposedly random, prior unsuccessful attempts do not affect the likelihood of future success. However, with each new year, you have a fresh, new chance so it's to your benefit to keep trying. Good luck.
Hi Derry

I'm also from Indonesia, I finally won the lottery (DV2007) after applying 8 years in a row. Keep on trying and don't give up =)

Our postal service might be very slow but they always end up delivering letters from abroad. In my case, my winning notice was post marked May 9th but I received it at the end of June.

Anyhow .. best of luck to you