hamburgers and asylees

cookiemonster said:
PS it was a long time with out coming to the forum, I can see that its been quiet for a while, what happened to Shamshon?

Are you one of Shamshon's recruits for the Iraqi insurgents? Your name is really familiar. I am sorry to tell you that Shamshon was seriously wounded in a firefight with coalition troops several weeks ago in central Iraq. He is now in an ICU unit in Syria.
sleepy66 said:
I've eaten a few hamburgers and didnt get into trouble but it depends on the officer ;) :p

Yeah imagine that your officer is vegeterian or member of animal rights group.
does anybody heard about this.

Title: To establish and rapidly implement regulations for Asylee's eating Hamburgers, to prevent ayslees abusing the asylum laws of the United States and to unify grounds for inadmissibility and removal.

Sponsor: Rep Sen KFC Jr. (introduced 1/26/2005)
Related Bills: 1234576
Latest Major Action: 6/17/2005 Referred to Senate committee.
Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

:D :D
By law, each year 10,000 asylees are allowed to eat hamburgers. There are about 190,000 asylees who are currently on the waiting list for hamburgers. Do the math yourself to figure out when you will get your hamburger.
sadasylee said:
By law, each year 10,000 asylees are allowed to eat hamburgers. There are about 190,000 asylees who are currently on the waiting list for hamburgers. Do the math yourself to figure out when you will get your hamburger.

I can't believe it... Where is that list with senators fax numbers. I'm about to send some faxes. Whats a point of living here without Barbeque.
Hey, the truth is that nobody can give a certain answer to this sensitive issue, but my question is: Why would you eat even one hamburger after all these years, think is it worth it for you to be deported from this beautiful country for a hamburger, I don’t think so, but on the other hand I know a few asylees who after they received their “Green Card” eat couple a big fat hamburgers, now they are praying not to be deported when they go for the citizenship…o well….