H4 to F1 change of status


Registered Users (C)
I am currently in US on an H4 visa. I have just been admitted to Cal state university at LA for my MBA which starts in May 2008. I want to pursue the MBA on an F1 visa for which I have not yet applied, but will be doing so by April 2008. My MBA is a 1 year course. Will I be eligible for the OPT after a 1 year course on the F1 status? My primary concern is this: will my status be considered as F1 from the day I apply for visa change (1st week of April 2008) OR from the day I join school (May 2008) OR from the day I receive the F1 visa (which could be about 2 months after school starts). Will I have to apply for my OPT 12 months after I apply for F1 OR start school OR receive F1? This is important because if my F1 status is considered from the day I receive the F1 visa, 2 months after school starts, then I cant apply for the OPT before the end of the 4th quarter of MBA.

pls advice
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