H1B stamp on the passport


Registered Users (C)
I changed the status to H1B in USA.

I don't have the H1B stamped in my passport.

Do I need to leave the coutry and go to a USA consulate abroad?

Or that can be done through the Department of State in Washington or someplace else?

H1B passport stamp

I am sorry but I coudn't find the right forum.

Thanks for you answer.

What is a multiple re-entry?

If I need to go abroad to stamp the H1B for the first time, do I need to my country or I can go to Mexico to do that?



ok ok

you don't need to hit me. I said I am apologize.

Re entry or one entry: my question was if there is one entry or multiple entry for H1B?

Meybe sound comun sence for your experience.

For me is my first time dealing with this issues.

I know that is probably logical to go to the original country but I want to know if can be done in Mexico to save time and money instead of going far away.

If you know a way to cut an past all this question to the right forum please feel free to do it.

Thanks again for your help.
