H1B i140 extension validity


New Member
Is it true that H1B Not Subject to Cap(NSC) based on I-140 approval is valid only for 6 years from the last time the visa was used if you have already utilized the initial 6 years and are currently outside the country and do not have a valid visa ?

Is there any official article from USCIS on this ?

If so
1) How do they calculate this ?
2) Is it based on the I-797 validity end date or the I-94 exit date?
3) If the H1b extension based on I-140 took more than 8 months to respond and resulted in denial does the date start from when we leave the country or I94 end date or I-797 date ?
4) Does the 6 year limit on H1-B includes the dates physically spent while h1 was expried and the extension was pending with USCIS ?

Appreciate any guidance on this.