Got my 3 Year TN!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi All,

I got my 3 year TN over the long weekend at the POE. I was simply worrying myself over various possible questions but it is better off to be prepared fully. It was a breeze to get it but as always the officer asked me smilingly as to why I am applying for a new TN when I have a month left on the old one. I came up with a very good answer at the last minute and said my manager has given me this offer right now and my only guess is because he does not want me to be away next month due to some project at work. Then he asked me what were my job duties to compare whatever was on my offer letter and luckily I reiterated the same job duties coz I had not read through it but after working in the same field for over 9 years the job duties become second nature to us. He was totally convinced and handed me a 3 year TN wishing me goodluck!
So I wanted to write about my experience for others who plan to go for their TN and also thank Nelsona and the others on this board to spread the good information they have from their past experiences.