Gilbert is back?


Registered Users (C)
Gilbert, are you back? Where have you been in the last five or six months? It is always interesting to see your valuable opinion on this forum. Please stick around and continue your good job as a moderator to this forum. We need you !!
Yes, Gilbert, we really need you! I posted the following message under another thread. In case it gets buried, I'm posting it here again:

"Welcome back, Gilbert! So surprised and happy to see your postings again. I miss you because you are not only knowledgeable but also very nice to fellow forum members. Hope you'll stay.

See, Gilbert, I'm not the only one who missed you.
bornTwice said:
Gilbert, are you back? Where have you been in the last five or six months? It is always interesting to see your valuable opinion on this forum. Please stick around and continue your good job as a moderator to this forum. We need you !!

Hi bornTwice, if my memory serves, I remember Gilbert explained the reason for his departure before he left us several months ago. He said that as a moderator, he had to spend lot of time deleting nasty messages in which some forum members fought with each other and he got tired of this. Unfortunately this hasn't changed much. But Gilbert, there are a lot of nice people in this forum and if you stay, we'll have one more :)
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