GC not a birthright


Registered Users (C)
IT is amazing to me how some people think it is their birthright to get a GC and they start moaning and groaning about how long it is taking. Please understand clearly that it is not your birthright to get a GC. It is a priviliege accorded to certain and a fixed number of people and you have to get in line and wait as long as it takes. Be it 3 ,5 or 10 years !!
I know it sounds blunt and rude , but that is the fact. I know it pains to wait, but the pain does not mean that the govt just hand out GCs to everybody like drivers licences.
They have to consider everything including the effect that will have on the people alredy here..and no matter how much you think you are great or useful to the USA, somebody else has to think that too..
Not the birthright but the right of a tax payer

As a law abiding taxpayer, when we contribute to the economy of this land, everyone has a right to expect to live a decent life free from slavery and bondage.

Most of us here wouldn't bother to become an immigrant and wouldn't care for this stupid green card, if they can move around freely and work for any employer without any restrictions. This would deprive the so called consulting companies exploit people in the name of green card.
blister1889 said:
IT is amazing to me how some people think it is their birthright to get a GC and they start moaning and groaning about how long it is taking. Please understand clearly that it is not your birthright to get a GC. It is a priviliege accorded to certain and a fixed number of people and you have to get in line and wait as long as it takes. Be it 3 ,5 or 10 years !!
I know it sounds blunt and rude , but that is the fact. I know it pains to wait, but the pain does not mean that the govt just hand out GCs to everybody like drivers licences.
They have to consider everything including the effect that will have on the people alredy here..and no matter how much you think you are great or useful to the USA, somebody else has to think that too..

You don't understand.

If it takes 10 years for everybody, no one will complain.
If illegals are rewareded with greencard at the cost of people who are legal, what's the point of staying legal and paying taxes.
People jump line(sub labor and bought labor), (fence) and rewared with greencard, which is not for people who choose fair path
If we don't deserve greencard, just say no, don't make us wait 10 years to figure it out.

just a thought
Please include the time consumed because of the mistakes USCIS makes.

1. My case was transfered to wrong district office, I suffered for 6 months.
- Hit retrogassion, wasted another 6 months.

2. Name check Requested with wrong last name and the mistakes corrected. - 3 months wasted there.

After a year of wastage, I still am waiting. This affects so many other things in life. I know people who afraid to change their apartment, or move to another better place, just to avoid these types of mistakes.

Some one who is going thru this pain can know the real pain, others can just write some statements. Please come to this forum to help and give hopes to others and otherwise, have fun in joining other forums.


aaloo_prasad said:
You don't understand.

If it takes 10 years for everybody, no one will complain.
If illegals are rewareded with greencard at the cost of people who are legal, what's the point of staying legal and paying taxes.
People jump line(sub labor and bought labor), (fence) and rewared with greencard, which is not for people who choose fair path
If we don't deserve greencard, just say no, don't make us wait 10 years to figure it out.

just a thought
This is an idiotic thread to start in the first place. If we knew that the GC process would be such troublesome before initiating it then we had the option of not going for it. However this is like backstabbing after having waited for so many years.

I guess blister is not satisfied with the number of blisters he ( hope its not a she) already has and is in need of some more. :) Come in the open blister and we will answer all your concerns regarding rights and birthrights :)
You are Right

Hi Blister:

I am not sure of your immigration status.. But this kind of waiting takes us no where. You rightly pointed out that, it is not our Birth right to demand Green Cards / Citizenship. I agree 100% but at the same time, I am paying lot of taxes and obeying the laws of this Great country and contributing to this economy. I lost myself to two employers..who just played with the loopholes in the Immigration system while at the same time, few of my colleagues took advantage of the same loopholes from another emplyer, got their green cards/ took advantage of Great Real Estate Boom and set up similar kinds of Body Shoping firms (so called Consulting firms). I agree it is their luck.

If you call it smartness, others may call it as misuse.. Not sure which way to go.. No career upgrade except making money to consulting firms and get paid not even half of it.

Let us try to understand the reality and keep positive spirits. I am sure all of us here are talking about legal and rightful immigration process... Our concern is solely on backlogs for which there is no clear direction.

Please elevate our spirtis by understanding our situation.

God Bless America..

blister1889 said:
IT is amazing to me how some people think it is their birthright to get a GC and they start moaning and groaning about how long it is taking. Please understand clearly that it is not your birthright to get a GC. It is a priviliege accorded to certain and a fixed number of people and you have to get in line and wait as long as it takes. Be it 3 ,5 or 10 years !!
I know it sounds blunt and rude , but that is the fact. I know it pains to wait, but the pain does not mean that the govt just hand out GCs to everybody like drivers licences.
They have to consider everything including the effect that will have on the people alredy here..and no matter how much you think you are great or useful to the USA, somebody else has to think that too..
$$$ Paid Earned right Over time

How did you got yours? How many years you were slave before you got into you status? I think none. That's why you are such a..........????? please fill the blank yourself.


blister1889 said:
IT is amazing to me how some people think it is their birthright to get a GC and they start moaning and groaning about how long it is taking. Please understand clearly that it is not your birthright to get a GC. It is a priviliege accorded to certain and a fixed number of people and you have to get in line and wait as long as it takes. Be it 3 ,5 or 10 years !!
I know it sounds blunt and rude , but that is the fact. I know it pains to wait, but the pain does not mean that the govt just hand out GCs to everybody like drivers licences.
They have to consider everything including the effect that will have on the people alredy here..and no matter how much you think you are great or useful to the USA, somebody else has to think that too..
I read all the messages, but my original point still stands..you are only obeying the laws of the land by paying taxes etc. otherwise you would be in jail...Also, the inefficiencies of INS/USCIS are very well known to everybody before even starting the GC process..so that is a moot point,
So why are you complaining if it is taking more time.. As regards, illegals jumping the queue, it has not happened yet. Even if it does, it is not goign to be an easy path for them either..
Ultimately the senators and congress are decision makers here. They are the ones elected by the citizens and they make the laws. They can invite all the unskilled people they want if they feel that the USA needs them. Obviosuly they are better judges of the needs of this country than you guys.

The only thing you can do is obey the laws or get out of here. Nobody is holding you back. In fact, the company sponsoring is obligated to give you a return ticket back to your home once your 6 years of H1 are over. Take advantage of that..Why moan and bitch and ruin everybody's day ?
Arvind_I140 said:
As a law abiding taxpayer, when we contribute to the economy of this land, everyone has a right to expect to live a decent life free from slavery and bondage.

Still even after all that ... Still U do NOT have any RIGHTS to get GC ..

It's a privilege.

:) :)
Bounded labor is a crime in US ... and so in most part of the world ... You can appeal if you are victimized ... The court can award you a million dollar reward ..For pain and suffering …

[NO one has any RIGHTS to put u in slavery and bondage.]

Take that money … go back and come back as an investor …. :)
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Think long term


You are absolutely right.

But just think, majority of us eventually will become citizens of this country - some now, some 5,10, 20 years later.

And many of us will not forget this journey. Some of us will forgive but some of us may not. Some of the "humiliating" things that may happened will be attributed to this mess.

Why is the US interested in creating future citizens with very negative immigration experiences?

People here just want a fair and streamlined process and certainly - one way or another.

GCStrat :)
I am sorry to say this, but the comment from gcstrat sound like veiled threats to me..
Yes, it takes a long time but this is how governments work everywhere. Atleast, You are a foreigner and still have a shot at citizenship in this country. Do you know what India did when Idi Amin was driving indian origin people out of uganda ? India did not take anybody in. It was UK and USA who did that.

Why the negative feelings etc ? You should be greatful and indebted all your life if they give you GC and citizenship, otherwise just say a polite thank you and leave the country.
Please do not say anytihng that sounds like threats...
u r all right. More than being painful the immigration system is a mess. A lot of luck is also involved. The basic intention is to make it extremely tough to get a GC through employment based for retrogressed countries.

If people have ability to change jobs and if people can find good consulting companies (there are a few that do not exploit) then life is not that bad. "GC" must not be a worrying factor. If you work for a good consulting company on a mutually agreed upon %age basis, then life is generally not that bad, you can wait for GC till it comes and not get stressed out. I have come across people who stress out to get good impression at work so that their job is secure till they get GC but with this kind of situation, it is not a good option. People are now identifying good consulting companies and are moving even during extensions so that they can take advantage of PERM and use prior experience to file for eb2.
GC and it's wait means different things to different people!

No doubt this is always a charged and emotional issue as with anything that affects our personal and professional lives. On one side are the people who have invested years and years, and money into this process and find it incredibly hard to accept this senseless retrogression.

Then there are some who demand that America can do better, that she has in her power to do the right thing.

And some want returns for their years and money invested into the system, and want freedom from their exploitive bosses and employers.

While some are more nonchalant, caring not a whiff, and willing to wait as long as their luck holds out.

The list can go on and on...the truth is that it is a very bitter pill to swallow that America does only what is in her interest. If retrogression will slow down immigrants coming and naturalizing to this country, then that is what is being done.

Sense of right and wrong is very arbitrary and akin to shifting sands. When we (retrogressed victims) are the beneficiaries, then we are okay with the scale of balance tilting towards us, if not, then we obviously are unhappy. And it's only natural. Illegals obviously want to be first in line, without regard to fairness and equity.

It is easy to forget that GC and immigration is "always" a privilege, esp. when we think we are worth more, and deserve more.

Remember, we chose to play by their rules, in their backyard. If they choose to change the rules half-way, it's unfair, but that's what it is. We can certainly choose to quit the game, or keep on playing.

Nobody should disrespect you or indulge in name-calling because we decided to quit, or chose to play, albeit with some grumbling. And it's okay to grumble too, as it lets out the anger and emotions.

This fine line must be walked though, where the players don't turn upon each other as they battle out the outcome of their fates.

Perhaps future citizens of America are being given a first-hand experience of what it means to become an american citizen. Also, a memory to last a lifetime of what struggles and challenges you faced in getting here. If it was all hunky-dory and easy, America would be swamped by third-world citizens and will not be what it is today...
"Perhaps future citizens of America are being given a first-hand experience of what it means to become an american citizen. Also, a memory to last a lifetime of what struggles and challenges you faced in getting here. If it was all hunky-dory and easy, America would be swamped by third-world citizens and will not be what it is today...[/QUOTE]"

You try to see things from the positive side, but unfortunately what is happening today is that for the honest and qualified people who plays by the rules, yes the first-hand experience of what it means to become an American citizen seems to be a very tough road. Then for a number of people out there who uses forged documents and simply showed up here without planning, I'd say the majority, it is easy. Don't try to put a poetic, romantic touch to this. Our category has been submitted to a supreme punishment.
No one's saying it's any one's birth right - heck, no one's even saying it is an earned right! But the fact of the matter is, the length of time taken for this whole shebang is a thorn in the side of any one going through the process - true, the benefits (theoretically, not just to the individual concerned, but to the American society at large) probably far outweigh any amount of suffering caused by the long wait. However, first amendment rights etc - people call what they think is a spade a spade and complain about inconveniences - however minor they may relatively be in thy infallible judgement - but one fails to see why you have issues with folks expressing themselves.

In any case, all that the people concerned are trying to do is make the powers that be think a little deeper about the problems of asipiring legal immigrants, and to make them aware that the immigration process might need a few changes as is evidenced by the long wait and the knotty steps involved. No one is trying to contravene the laws of the land in any way (which as you point out correctly, are not as restrictive as those of many other States - which is probably why many skilled and accomplished people flock here, largely to the benefit of the host nation, and try to convince the lawmakers that the laws could actually be improved upon (ooh sacrilege, huh?!?).

blister1889 said:
Yes, it takes a long time but this is how governments work everywhere. Atleast, You are a foreigner and still have a shot at citizenship in this country. Do you know what India did when Idi Amin was driving indian origin people out of uganda ? India did not take anybody in. It was UK and USA who did that.
It's the system, not the years

Hi Blister1889,

I can't really speak for everyone, just myself. I don't mind waiting 10 years to earn the GC, I have seen how bad the Family-Based priority dates are and I am glad those of us under EB categories are not as bad as that!

What I have a problem with is the current system that forces employment based applicants to stay with a specific employer until the end of the GC process. In today's markets (any, and not just IT) most people move from company to company in an average of 2 years, sometimes less. Reasons include, better salaries and opportunities among other things. However, the current system will not allow that kind of flexibility. Even a promotion, which is considered a change in job description, within the same employer will technically mean a re-start of the GC process (if USCIS finds out). This is an un-necessary burden to everyone, especially the employee!

Relations between an employee and employer can't stay good forever, because sooner or later the employee would want to try something else in his/her career, or there are changes to the family (like newborns) and so
relocating around the country isn't feasible anymore. And when that happens, an employee is literally under threat of having to choose between obeying everything an employer tells him/her to do vs. leaving the country for good.

That is my gripe with the current Retrogression situation.
Blister is asking everyone that don't have a green card to shut up and not blame the system as he/she thinks that it is not anyone's right to even talk about or discuss or "bitch about" to use his/her words about the loop holes in a system.
INS system.


People in this forums are discussing the INS system, its procedures and the info which is invaluable like one's journey thru it is successful. I hope no one cribbing like you if you think, everyone is more matured and tolerant to bear this wait and be nice to employers taking advantage of this situatuion.

Don't start useless threads be more positive and help others if you can.

Go GC applicants.
blister1889 the great philosopher!!!


You are really great! I envy your grasp and intellectual capacity in understanding human feelings and problems especially GC seekers. If all greencard/citizenship aspirants have the same level of wisdom you have, then there will not be any need for this forum. May be you can start your crusade against moaning and groaning in all similar forums.

Keep up the good work!