finance/related jobs - hunting experience?

Rashmi Gupta

Registered Users (C)
MBA-Finance from US needs to find job in Canada.
Would appreciate if somebody could please share their job search experience in finance or financial technology areas.

Any recommendations for geographical regions or strategies? Do placement agencies really help?

I have been looking for the job in the Toronto area by sending resumes but with no luck. I guess they expect that We should be physically there for them to consider us. The few people that I spoke to said the job market is not as good as it used to be. :(

How about the odd jobs....

How about the odd jobs in canada ? like jobs in showrooms , motels etc....Thanks in advance.:confused:

Thanks Vishwanand.
I agree.... job market is pretty pathetic almost everywhere. Please let me know if you find any helpful info. and I'll share if I find any. RobertHalf said pretty much the same thing... "Come here first...".