filling N-400 form


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This may sound like a silly question but I am a little freaked out about the n-400 form.
I have downloaded the form in Adobe Reader. Is it ok to just fill the form on the computer and take print outs and send them in. Should I use a bold font to make my information stand out.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
I filled mine on the computer. I did not use all upper-case letters. It is my understanding that all upper case letters are recommended when the form is hand-written (because it might not be easy to decipher in some cases).
This may sound like a silly question but I am a little freaked out about the n-400 form.
I have downloaded the form in Adobe Reader. Is it ok to just fill the form on the computer and take print outs and send them in. Should I use a bold font to make my information stand out.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

You can fill in the adobe form and print it (also save a copy). Make sure that black color is used (ink/print).
Preferably use CAPITAL LETTERS and no need for bold font.
The instructions also suggest fill NA for many items that are not applicable.
I just left them blank like middle name etc