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Filling I-134 form


Registered Users (C)
Hi people,

When someone who is a US citizen is filling an I-134 form, does he/she need to send me documents:

Bank statement, employment certificate and so on?

or is it requested to be submitted later??

Much appreciate your help!
Tell your sponsor to provide you with the evidence as specified on the instructional area of the I-134. Potential evidences are as follows:
1. IRS Tax Transcript. or
2. W-2 or
3. Bank Statement or
4. Letter from employer (if they are unable to provide any of the above to show that they have the financial means to be a sponsor)... Letter should detail, start date, title and compensation.

Your sponsor should include the evidence of financial worth along with the I-134 form when they send it to for your interview.

If the consular rep needs additional information as to your sponsor's ability to sponsor you they will advise you at the time of interview and allow you time to get it to them

Hi people,

When someone who is a US citizen is filling an I-134 form, does he/she need to send me documents:

Bank statement, employment certificate and so on?

or is it requested to be submitted later??

Much appreciate your help!
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what does this mean??

you must sign the affidavit in your full, trueand correct name and affirm or make it under oath.
what does this mean??

you must sign the affidavit in your full, trueand correct name and affirm or make it under oath.

If your sponsor is using the old I-134 form (Exp 04/30/07), he/she must appear before a Notary Public who will affirm the identity of the sponsor and hence notarize the I-134 form. If she/he use the latest I-134 form (Exp. 5/31/10), there is no need to get the form nor your signature notarized. However when they sign the I-134 form it must be their full name and readable.
hey, thanks for the prompt answers :)

I would like to know If i need to notarize work, university letters and copy of passport or not << note: Work and University letters are in English.