F1 visa renewal for Phd


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A freind of mine went for F1 visa renewal at Kolkata for Phd. Was given 222(g) pink slip. Consulate told him that he should contact them by e-mail in 2 weeks. He sent an e-mail to them, but there is no reply. It is almost getting to be 4 weeks. What should he do?
Here are the exact details. He came here 6 yrs ago on a 2.5 yr Masters visa. When he had gone for the masters visa, the officer had told him that he had a common muslim name and needs security check. A month later after the visa, the consulate called him and issued him a master's visa. He finished his masters and then started his Phd program. Subsequently he had finished 3.5 yr of Phd and had 1.5 yr remaining. He had to travel to India due to family issues and went to apply for visa renewal. When he went there, the guy at the front desk asked for his cell no. in US which he gave. The visa officer asked him some questions about his Phd, looked at all his transcripts and letter from his advisor. He also asked him to fill the family and work part of the application forms again. He was also asked if he was married to which he replied no. He further clarified that by family he meant his parents and not spouse. Subsequently the office told him that his visa needed additional processing and handed him the 221(g). This time they did not say anything about security clearance.
Another security check is a likely issue.; this is especially true for some areas of study. He will just have to be patient and address any problems or RFEs if they come up. There are many others in the same queue with similar issues. It should not be a big issue at this time as it is summer vacation, and if he is a TA, he is not missing class.