EVL question--please help


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Should EVL be similar to the one filed for I-140? My lawyer is not coorperative and has not prepared my EVL yet. My RFE was issued on 2/24, but so far they are not even close to reply the RFE. I need to tell my lawyer what to do. Please help. My job title and job description has been the same and stayed to the same company for all the process. Thanks.
There is a wording on the RFE letter, which describes in detail what needs to confirmed in the EVL. In general the content should be similar to the I-140 EVL, but it is better to follow exactly the requirements in the RFE.

In most cases they ask for position, job duties, salary, how long has been working, permanent nature of employment, intention to employ in the future, in other cases all of the above plus proof of the ability of company to pay etc.