Emergency travel to India


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My friend got US naturalization recently and did not applied for US passport yet. He had an emergency to go to India for a couple of weeks trip. Can he technically travel on Indian passport? How does it affect to Surrender Certificate & OCI later?
No, your friend is no longer an Indian citizen therefore should not be attempting to travel on an Indian passport under any circumstances. This can cause problems later if your friend applies for OCI and the Indian govt finds out about illegal use of Indian passport. I don't think the US govt would approve either because your friend would be traveling with false travel documents.

Your friend should go to the nearest US passport center and apply for an expedited passport which can be gotten in a day if you can prove the emergency. Next your friend needs to apply for a India visitor visa at the nearest consulate, again proving the emergency to get it done in day.
I presume, wrongly so; that your friend is in India. If he attempts to return sans his card, he could be flagged by ICE and POE.
JPBoston, I think former Indian citizen should get the SC and then apply for visitor visa. SC is taking about 1 week now-a-days. Is there any other process incase of emergency?
Please advise.
Can he apply for US passport in India at US consulate? and apply for visa or PIO while in India?

So are you really saying that your friend actually traveled on the Indian passport after becoming a US citizen and is now currently in India?!! Again, this is illegal if he/she did this.
Can he apply for US passport in India at US consulate? and apply for visa or PIO while in India?
Not in this case. If someone travels to a foreign country and lost the passport, he or she can go to US Embassy and get an emergency travel document for re-entry to the US. You cannot apply new passport in a foreign country. However, if a child is born to a US Citizen in a foreign country, you can get US passport for the child. If you friend has travelled with old un-expired Indian Passport after obtaining US Citizenship, he is violating laws of both US and India which constitutes serious offence. This is the same reason why Govt. of India is now insisting to get SC.